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Comment Re:Working Games (Score 1) 101

What patches are you talking about? Outside of adding rocket arena to the quakes, I never made changes to any of them. I re-installed Morrowind and Oblivion just to make sure I hadn't gone senile. Both are playing fine. What patches were released for CK, the wolfs, the Dooms, and the Quakes that were necessary to be able to play them? I don't download much in the way of additional content. Are you saying "for bugs from modders" that the modders released patches so additional content worked? If not, tell me one place in any of those games that can not be completed or enjoyed without a patch.

Comment Re:Working Games (Score 1) 101

Haven't purchased more than a couple games since Quake 4 but anything produced by Id up to 2005-6, so Commander Keen to Quake 4. I purchased Mechwarrior series up to mercenaries which didn't need patches. I don't remember having to patch Morrowind, Oblivion or Fallout 3. I didn't buy the next in the series because I heard it was DRM'd to all hell and was a pita to play on a PC. Turned out to be true. If I could name the number of sims from Micropose I bought, Pacific Air, B17, the Civs.

Comment Re:Pretty chilling honestly (Score 1) 548

Congress makes laws, what congress says, is legal That is correct. Except the Supreme Court determines if the laws are within the parameters of the constitution based on how they decide on cases brought before them. If a suit by one, or more, of the people abused by these actions makes it to the supreme court and wins this action is no longer legal.

Comment Re:What is MediaGoblin? (Score 1) 22

They could always make it easy to learn how to fiddle with instead of trying to make it meet their concept of good. I hold up the reaction to the Gnome Shell as an example of what can go wrong. Free software is free to me because it has helped me to write software. There is nothing that makes me feel more free than having my apps and content on my servers to be accessed at will. Well, except when my ISP decides it is file sharing or I'm using too much bandwidth.

Comment Re:Yay for government!!! (Score 2) 139

1) Snarf IMEI numbers and access devices as they pass by using an exploitable bluetooth bug.

2) Send letter to people telling them you own them and will do evil things to them if they do not pay up.

3) profit ???

4) Send letter to phone service using info snag'd from bug.

My name is Passer Bye. My phone is stolen. The phone info is...

5) Send new letter.

6) profit ???

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