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Comment Keyboard layout (Score 1) 234

Few times I have installed OS with wrong keyboard layout. This is not big problem normally. But when you switch your layout after install. You better to remember run passwd too. At least if you have many special characters in your password. Luckily I had one root shell open both times. Visible password would have prevented this close call.

Comment Re:I'm loath to ask: (Score 2) 202

So you rather die then spend time with yourself and with your imagination? I don't know what level of brain activity works here, but I would like to twist this view point to the angle where this state is much more close the living then most people do in their life time. Everybody now days runs away from experiencing life itself doing anything but have to spend time with their own mind.

Comment Re:I'm loath to ask: (Score 2) 202

I spend lots of time in meditation. When my busy mind gets still it's not terrible at all, actually quite enjoyable state. So it is pretty much depends how you want to experience it. If you freak out it might be terrible, but if you are able to accept it.. it might not be so cruel at all.

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