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Comment 1080p for code? pfff (Score 1) 333

The more vertical resolution the better, when it comes to writing code. I stayed with a pair of 1600x1200 CRTs until earlier this year, because HD resolutions caused vertical resolution to stagnate. I was finally able to upgrade (for a decent price) my CRT to a 2560x1440 panel which is nice, but roll on higher resolutions!


Mir Won't Ship Even In Ubuntu 14.04 111

jones_supa writes "As can be recalled, Mir didn't make it to the Ubuntu 13.10 release to replace as the display server. Back then it suffered of problems in multi-monitor support, along with other issues. Now it turns out that Canonical's product will not make it even into the next LTS version (14.04) of the Ubuntu desktop. Mir itself would be ready for showtime in the schedule, but there are problems with XMir, which is the X11 compatibility layer that ensures Mir can work with applications built for X. The comments came at the Ubuntu Developer Summit: in an online event Mark Shuttleworth stressed that the 14.04 desktop has to be rock-solid for customers with large-scale deployments, such as educational institutions. In the meantime, you can already try out Mir in your Ubuntu system."

Music Industry Issues Take Down Notices to 50 Major Lyrics Sites 281

alphadogg writes "A music industry group is warning some 50 website that post song lyrics that they need to be licensed or face the music, possibly in the form of a lawsuit. The National Music Publishers Association said Monday that it sent take-down notices to what it claims are 50 websites that post lyrics to songs and generate ad revenue but may not be licensed to do so. The allegedly infringing sites were identified based on a complicated algorithm developed by a researcher at the University of Georgia." The "complicated algorithm" (basis statistics using Excel and Google) is described in the NMPA's "Undesirable Lyric Website List." Anyone remember

Scribd Launches a Global 'Spotify For eBooks' 53

Nate the greatest writes "Scribd threw its hat in the ebook subscription ring today. The site is expanding on its existing ebookstore with a new $9-a-month all-you-can-read ebook subscription service which offers a selection of ebooks from a number of publishers, including HarperCollins, E-Reads, Kensington, Red Wheel/Weiser, Rosetta Books, Sourcebooks, and Workman. That's a better selection of commercial ebooks than the Kindle owner's lending library, but not quite as broad of a selection as the recently-launched Oyster. However, Scribd is charging less and they're offering better platform support. While Oyster is only available on the iPhone, Scribd has apps for both Android and iOS, and you can read the ebooks in your web browser."

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"Spock, did you see the looks on their faces?" "Yes, Captain, a sort of vacant contentment."
