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Comment Re:Nintendo NX exciting? (Score 3, Interesting) 66

I know, why would I want to play original titles with gorgeous graphics like Splatoon!, Pikmin 3, Super Mario 3D World, when I can play buggy 3rd party "bald space marine" FPSs in glorious next gen brown? I hate it when companies push the envelope in creativity, fun, and challenge too.

Now if you'll excuse me, I need to get back to my "Fischer Price" games like "Fire Emblem: Fates".

Comment Re:Yeah, whatever ARM (Score 1) 90

Why would I choose performance over the games I want to play?

I mean given the choice of playing some generic "gritty" arena shooter or the highly innovative game "Splatoon", I would choose "Splatoon". It performs good enough and the graphics look pretty slick. I don't need to see an inkling's nose hair with realistic nose hair physics to enjoy the game. In fact I prefer to not be in the uncanny valley that caused the hardcore PC games of yesterday to age so poorly while the console games still look pretty good today.

Now if you'll excuse me, I've got some "Fire Emblem: Fates" to play on my super low res 3DS.

Comment Re:Old? (Score 0) 358

Totally agree. Nothing is as expressive as Perl. Normal people need full words to understand what's going on. But us perl folks can have conversations like this:

@#!$ %^% $%;
2#$ %@#$;
#$^^&%#EUia !@#$!@#;
1!@ #!@ #$@ #$%!#;

For those of you that don't speak Perl, that was "War and Peace".

Comment Re:Star Trek not so much (Score 3, Interesting) 99

Start at the new Doctor Who in Season 5 episode 1. Watch until "Day of the Doctor". Then go back to Season 1 episode 1. Finish off the rest of new Who. Then go back and watch the classic Who (at least what exists).

Why Season 5 Episode 1? Because there are some huge spoilers in earlier seasons. (It's a time travel show). It also makes a certain episode in Season 4 a lot more tragic.

As for classic who, my advice for watching it is to view it like a play rather than like a modern show.

Comment Re:Judging by the story so far... (Score 1) 372

Speak for yourself, Mr. Hippo. This morning I woke up next to a woman who I even happened to meet online.

Don't mind if I do. I also woke up next to a woman. The same woman I've woken up next to for well over a decade. The same woman I'll wake up to in the future as long as God keeps us in this world.

I do in fact think it's immoral to facilitate the destruction of men and their families. Unlike a gun or a knife which has many uses outside of killing, there is no other purpose to Ashley Madison than the wholesale destruction of men's lives as well as the destruction of the lives of others around them.

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