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Comment Capitalism vs. Democracy - no competition. (Score 1, Insightful) 154

To think capitalism is compatible with democracy in the long run is simply foolish. Any company doing "good" eventually figures, that Chinese market is very big and very important, spying on Assange is necessary, donating millions to Republicans is unfortunate but good idea, etc. Also, power of capitalism is also so big, it can easily crush any rebellion, see Occupy case as an example. Both democracy and poor chinese guy are doomed anyway, as Google figured out.

Comment Different planet for next generations (Score 1, Flamebait) 416

We are entering era when increasingly large parts of our planet will be exploitable only with special suits and vehicles, like if Earth we know begin slowly morphing towards Mars. I don't think there is hope for changing direction. Our brains, especially considering average human brain, is simply not built to handle this type of problems, simply because evolution never needed us to care about such things. People of the World will not elect Al Gore and politicians like him, except maybe in Europe. General public cannot process information of this scale and complexity to understand what is going on.

Comment Re: Atari ST (Score 1) 110

Laptop with specs of gaming rig costs more then $5000. Thats why nobody play games on notebook but everyone played on Amiga. Amiga form factor would enable cheaper and more powerfull desktop components (RAM, GPU, CPU) to be used. Spectrum, C64, Amiga and Atari were all beautifull yet cheap machines that you could carry around. Industry adopted ugly as hell IBM XT however, and that design is still around looking more or less same.

Comment Atari ST (Score 2) 110

I would love to see PC designed in Atari ST or Amiga style, meaning as a slightly enlarged keyboard, with good performance for both gaming AND tinkering (i7, 1080 Ti, 32 GB RAM, SSD 500 GB), good price (1000$). I really loved being able to carry my computer around, attach it to TV, and play with my friends anywhere, not being attached to some stupid desk with stupid tower under the desk and all the stupid cables, speakers and whatnot.

Comment Free market in communications (Score 1) 98

Telephone and postal services were created in times, when governments heavily regulated all aspects of business. Thats why you can call even today from anywhere to anywhere else. Computer messaging is OTOH left unregulated to free market competition, therefore soon everyone will have his/her own messaging app incompatible with everyone else. You will have as many messaging apps installed as people you need to talk to.

Comment Re:Tractors (Score 1) 400

Except that almost anyone could afford new advanced manufacturing machines (tractors) back then. At this time however, advanced machines producing valuable products (electronics, food, clothes) are owned by couple of huge enterprises and there is really small (ever smaller) chance for you or me to become credible competition to them. It seems that most jobs currently is focused on servicing people locally placed around you, with services that for some reason cannot be (yet) provided remotely by Google et al. Some of those services are shrinking (like newspapers), some are likely soon to disappear altogether (taxi, truck drivers, ...) and there is really limited spectrum of services that you can provide to your local community, prostitutes and artists being only certain irreplaceable job for humans I can think about, at least for time being, so serious concern about this topic is justified.

Comment Re:Ancient single use port (Score 2) 761

With Lightning it is so true, Apple is repeating situation with early Windows OS days: their incompatible stuff doesn't bring anything substantial to the table, just incompatibility itself. There is nothing wrong with USB-C standard. Audio jack situation is laughable. You often don't have headphones or earbuds around when you need it, so you go to nearby shop and buy one for few $. Whats wrong with that?

Comment Capitalism (Score 1, Troll) 205

Hey Americans, welcome to capitalism! Your politicians, backed by large companies and army, are pushing it globally down everyone's throat for 50 years now, at least. Now it is coming back home. Prepare soon to find out that there is guy in China or India capable of doing anything you can do for 1/3 money you need only to keep food on the table and pay bills. And forget about Sanders, capitalism will crush any Sanders standing in his way.

Comment Full suport, as an European (Score 1) 156

Obviously, it is always difficult to opose white male people, but this is right thing to do. Es an European, I can't see any contribution of hate speech to our societies. Perhaps European Commision could form protected rooms ("hate clubs") where those people (white male uneducated + "fachidiots" angry mob) can express their frustrations towards various minorities, while not disturbing normal people.

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