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Comment Re:The problem with science (Score -1) 218

Why not just be a man and admit you are a Marxist and you want to leverage the pandemic to change America to Marxism? Just admit it. And then after that TAKE YOURSELF AND YOUR FUCKING LOSER DAUGHTER TO VENEZUELA. You will love it there. Stupid Marxist fucks don't know how good they have it in America. Try traveling and see how regular people live in other countries (not just Europe).

Comment Re: Modern Science (Score -1) 356

Yes exactly. I get why they are doing it, they want to reopen because people are suffering. Masks are like the TSA. You can't prove they do nothing, because after all no one has flown a plane into a building since 9/11, so the TSA must be effective. Masks are mostly useless, but if it gets everything moving again just fucking do it. You can't argue with stupidity at this point. I wear a mask myself because I feel sorry for the people who are affected economically by the virus. I know people here don't care much about those deplorables who have lost their jobs and businesses and future, but they should.

Comment Re:Face masks (Score -1, Informative) 356

What the fuck are you talking about? The US has tested 50 million people (so far). 500k PER DAY. This is why I have given up on arguing with people. The stupidity has spread too far and wide. The data is available, but people choose what they want to believe. US bad. Trump bad. US doesn't test. US doesn't wear masks. US has the highest per capita death rate of all countries. None of it is true, but we live in a post-fact era now, where the media has put out a narrative and people lap it up. Pretty sad, because with the Internet the data is easily available so you can verify the figures. Oh well, fuck it. Wear a mask. It won't make a difference, but if it makes everyone happy just do it.

Comment Re:6 feet? (Score 1, Informative) 87

Because you need to be EXACTLY 6 feet apart. No more. No less. Otherwise you will get the virus. It is kind of like when you go a restaurant you need to wear a mask when you walk in. Once you sit down at a table the virus can't get you so you can take it off. And if you don't do it all, you must be a Trump voter.

Comment Re:USA vs the World (Score -1, Insightful) 104

Um the "curve flattened" in early April. You can check the graphs yourself. The US is the country that is testing the most (by far). So we find more cases so it looks like the case rate is rising. Europe (and the Word) largely stopped testing. Even the CDC said 30 million Americans were probably already infected. So why WOULDN'T the number of infections continue to rise when you had only found 2 million?

Comment Re: So wait. The cops are doing (Score -1) 68

Orange man bad right? No you are dumb. The police should monitor protests to make sure they donâ(TM)t degrade into illegal activity. Protesting isnâ(TM)t illegal. By the way, what you and your buddies were doing wasnâ(TM)t protesting it was rioting and looting. MLK would be ashamed.

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