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Comment Re: I think opinion vs fact needs to be distinguis (Score 5, Insightful) 271

And that exact kind of disinformation is exactly how so many people are successfully able to repeat what he actually did, which was bait a structurally unsound government into abusing its powers and bypassing the legislature to rule through executive orders. Hitler was elected on a campaign of democratic socialist reform, promising to end authoritarian abuses and protect the working class from systematic and institutionalized oppression by a privileged elite.

to be as rude and obstructive as possible to them and to convince others to do likewise.

That's called the "heckler's veto" and is considered a textbook example of the concept that your rights end where someone else's begin. A historical example of it taken to its inevitable conclusion was Hitler's brownshirts smashing in Jewish owned businesses and terrorizing anyone who disagreed with them to the point people were afraid to speak up.

You're literally admitting in plain english that you don't have a problem with Hitler's tactics and behavior, you just want to be the one in charge.

Comment Re:some things never change (Score 1) 38

So not only are you willfully and maliciously negligent in the duty owed towards your students, you also willfully and maliciously feign ignorance about the nature of turnitin's business model and how it's used by teachers.

Also, talk to one of your colleague's in the English department about the appropriate use of "also".

Comment Re:some things never change (Score 1) 38

If you find turnitin useful you're at absolutely minimum willfully and maliciously negligent towards your students. Their entire business model relies on manufacturing accused cheaters even where there are none in order to justify their continued expense and the paranoia of teachers. Every time it flagged one of my students' papers I would feed it something I made up on the spot and get flagged too.

Comment Re:Not the Same (Score 1) 185

Yeah the difference is 4 people per 100k. Meanwhile Sweden has the same suicide rate as the US. By your logic this shouldn't be physically possible. The evidence disproves your hypothesis completely.

If you're practicing science you'll accept the evidence disproving your hypothesis and come up with a new one. If you choose to disregard the evidence in favor of your predetermined conclusion then you aren't practicing science, you're practicing religion.

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