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Comment Re:Wow, well I'm shocked! (Score 4, Informative) 694

If you read the article, you'd see that the people enrolled in the pilot had similar rates of employment to a control group. It isn't that they don't bother -- they bother just as often regardless of whether they have a basic income.

If it were reported accurately, this would alleviate the fear that you just parroted, that people would stop working.

Comment Re:why not make a new init system? (Score 1) 306

Blowing systemd away would mean doing more than it does. We want a system that does less. For instance, we want an init system that doesn't have a DNS server built in. We want one that doesn't handle rewriting resolv.conf and instead relies on a separate daemon to do that. We want one that doesn't try to take over logging, one that just uses logfiles.

Systemd has some advantages over sysv-init: named runlevels, starting tasks in parallel, and restart policies are all nice. Integrating logrotate would be handy. But it's hard to wow people with an init system that does a lot less than systemd.

Comment Re:Supply and demand (Score 2) 136

They are switching to proof-of-stake instead of proof-of-work. Instead of using all the compute resources required to calculate a hard problem on every participating machine all the time, your computer gets to sit idle for most of the time. When you and your friends get your turn to process transactions (which is based on how rich you are), you get a portion of the transaction fees.

This allows Ethereum to be only a couple thousand times more expensive per transaction than Visa, and with a fraction of the features.

Comment date_published is optional? Noooo... (Score 2) 201

It's a lot easier to parse a feed into a series of articles if each article entry has something in it that gives a natural ordering.

It's a lot easier to display an integrated collection of feeds if articles have a natural ordering relative to each other.

It was a problem that RSS didn't make publication date mandatory. JSON Feed doesn't solve this problem.

Comment It takes time (Score 1) 222

I've developed reliable dev estimates in the past. This relied on us having a single codebase that we worked consistently on for an extended period. We knew our own infrastructure. We knew what we were doing. If there were major areas of doubt, we used a timebox for investigations.

The kicker: however long it took us to write the code in the end, it took us one tenth as long to create the estimates.

Comment Re:"Former" engineer - tells you all you need to k (Score 1) 917

Her post specifies that there were 150 people in her unit when 3% were women. That's about five women.

It's possible that she's the only person who left and the company only hired men from that point, which would be problematic in itself and indicate that the unit grew from 20 people to 150 within a year.

It's possible that the unit had no net change in size, which would indicate that the unit started with 37 women, which would indicate that over 90% of the women in the unit left in the course of one year. That isn't a sign of a healthy working environment.

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