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Comment Re:Not subject to suit (Score 0) 125

What are you going to do about it BlueStrat? When are you going to get out your AR-15 Assault Rifle and do something about it?

Why would I need to do something like that? Firstly, Im not a violent Leftist. Secondly, I don't need to do anything violent in the first place because the public worm has turned, you've frightened the "normies", the Left is going to get their asses handed to them in both houses of Congress, Trump is going to win by a landslide, and Trump is going to pick Bader's replacement. The pendulum doth swingeth, and it doth equally swingeth back.

We've won. Without firing a shot or going around beating innocent senior citizen bystanders in the street for reasons or calling anyone who disagrees or simply doesn't bend the knee a nazi fascist. People see shit like that on the Left, they see calm and rational talk from the other side when they can get past the gatekeepers. Not too many are going to go with the black-mask-wearing, bike-lock-swinging, if-you-disagree-with-any-insanity-we-spout-you're-a-racist-misogynist-nazi-and-should-die side.

No, the AR-15 will stay put away because it is still waiting for an enemy worthy of it. It's certainly not required for a defeated, dying corpse that the US far Left is rapidly becoming politically and culturally as well. It's busy eating it's own currently and it won't have the cohesion or power to stay relevant for much longer.


Comment Re:Not subject to suit (Score 0, Troll) 125

Those inspections are notoriously biased and fail to account for time in industry, time on the job, vacation/sick days taken by individuals, etc. Across the entire tech sector when adjusted for those things women average 15-20% higher pay than men consistently.

You are posting unauthorized and non-government-approved facts contrary to accepted social norms. This is a serious non-crime criminal hate incident.

If you are in Canada, the EU, or in the UK, please turn yourself in at the nearest constabulary as soon as possible as it will look better for you if they don't have to send constables around to collect you.

If you are in the US be prepared to be doxxed. for you and your employer to be harassed, to be deplatformed from social media platforms and major financial/banking services, and for yourself and your family to become the targets of violent attacks.

Police your thinking and especially your speech, Sir! Thoughts and speech outside of vaguely-defined and often contradictory acceptable ranges can result in fines, arrest, imprisonment, bannings from social media and banking, civil lawsuits, and may well incite others to violent reprisals for which incitement you may be held liable. /s

*Nearing peak clown-world*


Comment Re:BeauHD makes we want a Ring camera that much mo (Score 1) 68

My "goal" is to not be a victim of crime. Perhaps you feel as if having people attempting to steal from you on a regular basis is somehow acceptable, and using technological tools to prevent it is somehow indicative of moral weakness. I disagree. So do millions of other people who buy and install security cameras.

Don't be obtuse.

Nobody cares about having cameras watching your property, or even that their outputs are being recorded there on your property.

The problem is when you effectively allow law enforcement to place a camera on your property that watches not only your porch but the surrounding area including the public sidewalk where the owners of adjoining properties must pass, and possibly your neighbor's property itself as well, and then all that data going into law enforcement fusion centers and going towards building profiles and dossiers on everyone, innocent or guilty, even those who do not own nor want a Ring.

There's plenty you could do to improve your home security and stop package theft without buying into and willfully enabling a government/technocorp surveillance dystopia.

How much are you willing to wager that in a few years (if it hasn't already begun) once thieves learn to avoid Ring houses, that the majority of people who are arrested/convicted because of Ring video will be Ring owners themselves?

In a free and open society there is no guarantee by government of personal safety for one cannot simultaneously both be kept safe by government and be free. If you want to trade your freedom for safety, that's fine, but you can't trade other people's freedoms as they are not yours.


Comment Re:Simple (Score 1) 300

''under what conditions, these AI might deserve the ethical protections we typically give to animals...''

When we are able to consider them like food, as we do a large amount of the animals we have ethical issues with.

I'd simply say "Get back to me when you can design and build a fully functioning, comparatively intelligent, organic/carbon-based, biological elephant from scratch."

AI mankind creates with programming code and hardware. Animals have evolved and struggled and triumphed against incredible odds over millions of years to adapt and defend their place among the (at least temporarily) successful lifeforms on this planet. AI simply goes through testing and debugging in someone's lab. Animals have earned their (however fleeting) existence themselves. AI is a computational tool, animals are fellow lifeforms.

Perspective, people.


Comment Re:Yeah, about that.. (Score 1) 254

If you think that governments at all levels won't look to replace gas taxes with equivalent on electric vehicles, and second won't implement those taxes on your "free" power, just take another toke and relax...

It's already the case everywhere in the US that I'm aware of that residential solar power installations must be integrated with the utility power and what you don't use is sold to the utility. All that would be needed is building ordinances (or a Federal law or regulation) forbidding connecting residential solar power directly to a vehicle charger as that's essentially illegal tax avoidance. Charging an EV means that the power is taxed and fees paid through your utility bill. As the amount of taxes from fuel decrease, you can count on electric taxes and fees to scale up.

The other shoe that will drop is that now that EVs and driver-less vehicles are beginning to hit the road, vehicles will be required to carry tracking, likely GPS based, that will measure miles traveled for road taxes and that travel and location data will also be oh-so-handy for law enforcement, divorce and other civil actions, insurance companies, private investigators, debt collection agencies, and the politically-connected.

Combined with facial recognition it will become nearly impossible to walk or travel anywhere without having your identity and movements tracked, recorded, stored, and sold/shared many times over and data-mined to death. When a cop pulls you over, he won't ask you where you're going or where you're coming from like they often do now. He'll know before he steps out of the cruiser. He'll know who everyone is in the vehicle and can easily find out where they've been before they got into your vehicle.

I was reading an article a few weeks ago that of course I can't find now about a company that's developing a set of enhanced-reality glasses for LEOs that integrate facial recognition, gait recognition, and ALPR, and other algorithm-based functions like recognizing a concealed firearm under baggy clothing, and stress, skin perspiration, and pupil-dilation sensing for evaluating a subject's truthfulness in response to questions and type and severity of any intoxication of the subject. Creeped me the hell out.

I do not envy the young. They are destined to either become slaves or be in the middle of a massive struggle to retain their freedom and privacy. If you have no privacy you have no freedom.


Comment Re:Let me make a perdiction (Score 1) 57

Because it's the small people who need to be making better environmental choices.

Trying to push the responsibility off onto Asians, you racist!? :D

Seriously though, if China, India, Pakistan, & developed/developing sections of Indonesia, and developing parts of Africa don't massively curtail CO2 emissions which would seriously hamstring their development, then it doesn't matter what the West does because it would require a negative amount of emissions to compensate simply because of the massive disparity in size and number of people even accounting for vastly different average individual emissions, So in a way, it to a large extent *is* up to "small people". :)

How about that! You was all philosolophical and stuff! :P


Comment Re:Miranda was an asshole too (Score 0) 286

Eugenics were invented and as nightmarish as it is: practiced, in the USA!!

Eugenics is still being practiced in the US currently under the auspices of Planned Parenthood whose founder Margaret Sanger was a hardcore Eugenicist who worked with the KKK as they shared many of the same goals. Eugenics is still just as nightmarish, however many Americans have been able to convince themselves otherwise the same as I imagine many Germans did in the 1930s-40s.


Comment Re:Public Good? (Score 1) 65

Legal property rights and enforceable contracts are the bedrock of capitalism.

Civil Asset Forfeiture, "Red flag" laws, Eminent Domain used to forcibly transfer property to another private entity to gain more tax revenue:

Are we jokes to you?

(not meant as a jibe at you)

The Rule of Law is pretty much on life support at this point, although more and more regular people towards otherwise opposing political stands are starting to realize they're being lied to by both (D)s and (R)s and finding common ground, for example "Epstein didn't kill himself" is pretty bipartisan and near universal at this point.

That strongly infers there will be a shared rage against the kiddy-diddlers among the global elite rich and powerful that Epstein served. Some very large shifts in US domestic political power balance could be imminent along with some interesting shock wave effects coming for some foreign politicians and governments as more about Epstein (who didn't kill himself) and his loli-island operation and the identity of his numerous and powerful "guests" are revealed, As Carl Benjamin aka 'Sargon of Akkad' is fond of saying; "It gets the old noggin joggin', doesn't it?"


Comment Re:Facebook to Lo (Score 1) 39

It's tricky to edit the hosts file in Windows 10, notepad or other editor needs to be run as an administrator.

Just open notepad.exe in PowerShell which has admin permissions. Usually, however, I'm doing a hosts file edit on a relative's/friend's machine which needed a re/install. I take a list with me of edits to various things I typically do as a baseline and then stick a linux live USB bootable thumb drive in and boot it and edit from linux. It seems much faster than using win10's horrid UI especially in it's freshly-installed state of utter shit.

I thought I might turn it into a BASH script, but honestly I don't need to do re/installs of win10 that often anymore as I have at least some of the most clueless/vulnerable family already switched to linux and they're delighted. My younger relatives typically run win10 and at least one runs win7, but they're also gamers and not clueless like some of my older family members and can for the most part prevent and solve their own problems (hallelujah!).


Comment Re:Robin Hood (Score 1) 44

...we should investigate them all ...

And there's the problem.

The only people legally authorized to investigate and prosecute their crimes are they themselves.

"We investigated ourselves and found nothing wrong." or "The prosecutor/DA chooses not to go forward with prosecution because reasons." If anyone else tries they call them criminals, domestic terrorists, dangerous extremists, etc etc, and put them in cages with threats of deadly force carried out by heavily armed paramiltary domestic forces in retaliation for any noncompliance or resistance.

The only way is a multi-pronged push involving non-violent tactics like raising mass support for things like national labor strikes, mass tax revolts, voting campaigns, mass protests, and heavy online campaigning through memes and comedy. When the gears stop turning and structures start crumbling that keep the current corrupt establishment in power, only then will there be the opportunity for meaningful change and maybe a chance to begin to restore some of what's been taken from us all and what our children will in turn lose and never experience if we do nothing, which no amount of money or "safety and security" could ever buy.


Comment Re:Sounds like a proof of concept. (Score 1) 275

We're the only one missing of any significance.

Well, except for the two LARGEST, China and India, but let's not have reality getting in the way of an ideological, political, and at times religious movement.

but you're really downplaying the consensus on anthropogenic climate change.

That "97% consensus!" talking point has been debunked. It was compiled by going through thousands of published scientific papers and any that mentioned any sort of possibility of future climate change were counted as "endorsing" AGW which they clearly did not. Besides, "consensus" is not relevant in science, only hard verifiable data and falsifiable hypothesis, both seeing a significant lack in the "science" behind AGW. There was "consensus" among the scholars of the time that the Earth was the center of the universe, was the Catholic Church right in going after Copernicus and Galileo to silence them?

Yes, the planet is warming, yes, humans have some effect, but how much is still unknown. Regardless, even if humans had never existed global average temperatures would still be rising at nearly the same rate and reach roughly the same higher average temps, just maybe a few decades later than has been predicted.

Nearly every single prediction made by the pro-AGW camp has failed, forgive me if I embrace serious skepticism when it comes to dire predictions of climate disaster unless we transfer wealth to third-world nations and embrace sweeping changes pretty much across the board in the West. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence which is MIA when it comes to catastrophic AGW.


Comment Re:What's the plan here? (Score 1) 235

Maybe they simply don't want to be affiliated with smut peddlers and other disreputable types?

The real, actual reason, I'd be willing to bet, is that PornHub hosts content & creators that have been banned from YT, FB, and the other major social media platforms. Payment processors have been attempting to financially stifle and embargo other alt-media sites that honor free speech, PornHub is simply another target in the same category.

I think this will actually turn out to be a good thing, however. The porn industry is enormous, if they decide to go alt-tech there will be huge amounts of cash and many millions of users flowing into alt-tech platforms.

"They can't stop the signal, Mal."


Comment Re:More To Lose (Score 1) 91

You haven't been following the nerd news. Google just banned a wave of people for using too many emojis in YouTube chat.

Yes, I have been following YouTube's continuing plunge towards irrelevance by attempting to make YT cable TV 2.0. I heard about the incident you mentioned involving users in a superchat during a stream replying to the streamer's request to vote by posting different colored emojis.

If YouTube was setting out to intentionally drive people to alt-tech platforms like BitChute and MINDS and away from YT, they could hardly come up with a better plan than their current strategy. I imagine in 5 years, barring any major shakeups in how they do business, YT will be in the same category as MySpace and be just as relevant.

By their actions, behaviors, and statements, the major social media platforms want us to migrate to alt-tech.

Don't argue with them.


Comment Re:More To Lose (Score 5, Insightful) 91

Now your bank account can be a "Google service" like all the others that you might lose by pissing off the company's censors/kommissars.

You go to a licensed gun dealer and attempt to legally buy an AR-15, or you express non-PC opinions within the hearing of a Siri device, or are tagged in a photo at the "wrong" protest march or political rally. Shortly afterward you get a message from Google.

"Your Google account including banking services has been terminated for violations of Google's Community Guidelines. As per Google's ToS any remaining balances in accounts terminated for Community Guideline violations involving firearms, association with or support for hate groups, or expressions of hate speech, are forfeit. A reminder that Google monitors all user's activity, both offline and on other platforms and services as well as on all Google services."


Comment Re:Why aren't the unions getting the same flak? (Score 1) 170

A corporation exists to maximize unearned income for its shareholders, while a union exists to maximize the union leadership's and their crony's income and political influence & power while sucking dry their worker's pension funds and being one of the largest political money contributors and drivers of government corruption, some of the worst offenders being public-sector unions.



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