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Comment Re:I'm angry (Score 0) 288

I am a person, not a commodity. Stop buying me, selling me, and otherwise treating me like cattle, or I can find another party to work with.

And this party would be exactly whom?

The Democrats? Who brought you Queen Hillary? Who, arguably would have been a better choice than Stud Muffin but not someone I could tolerate without a hefty dose of anti nausea medication and / or psychedelics.

The Libertarians? Greenies?

Lisa Murkowski would actually be a pretty good presidential candidate. Female, reasonably intelligent, basically reasonable. Not obviously beholden to too many different things (other than oil companies but nothing new here). Someone who could actually behave as a progressive Republican.

But not a snowball's chance in Hell, especially with all of this climate change stuff.

Comment Re:Missing out on Military Contracts? (Score 1) 61

How do you know they're not? Been outside lately?

We don't get to see the 'real' catalog. That's only for special folks. With their own helicopters and big bank accounts.

(Hopefully, these mini dogs are as loud as 'Big Dog' which sounded like a Abrams tank. Only good for sneaking up on the deaf folks at the nursing home.)

Submission + - Gimme da cash ... er.... owl (

ColdWetDog writes: You won't see this in modern Sweden.

In 2016, there were only two bank heists in all of Sweden, compared with 110 eight years earlier. Why the steep plunge? The country’s bent on going cashless.

Which might be why Swedish thieves are embarking on ever more outlandish crimes, including a recent series of heists worthy of The Fast and the Furious. Imagine breaking into the back of a moving delivery truck by night and stealing tens of thousands of dollars’ worth of Apple products.

Read the TFA about how enterprising crooks have tried to keep up with inflation despite the limited availability of Kroner. Seems like a lot of work for a bunch of iPads or the like. They should graduate into white collar crime.

Comment Re:Time to get beyond blood alcohol levels (Score 1) 170

If we did that we would solve the transportation crisis in one jiffy. Virtually nobody will be able to drive.

Fortunately, those autonomous cars will be cruising down the pike Real Soon Now and all will be good. That and Amazon 30 minute delivery, virtual reality goggles, Brwando and 'bating.

Comment Re:Makes sense (Score 1) 273

Well, you're a fool. Just because your (imaginary) children are responsible Boy Scouts (err, just 'Scouts' now) and learned safe gun handling in the womb doesn't mean their friends are.

One kid. One chambered round. A few seconds. That's all it takes.

If you're THAT paranoid about your person, either up you meds, move or just carry the damned gun with you.

(Says someone with close to a dozen guns locked in a gun cabinet. No kids. Bears and other local miscreants get pepper sprayed.)

Comment Re:good for china (Score 1) 120

Really? The US is run out of a medium sized city (Tel-Aviv - the country is basically Tel-Aviv and some surrounding military bases, orange groves and tourist spots)? The entirety of the United States economic and political efforts as well as a major industrial sector is run out of someplace the size of New Jersey?

I'm impressed.

Comment Re:Before NASAexisted Korolev already codified saf (Score 1) 296

And Korlov pulled those restraints out of his (rather experienced) butt. They were gut checks. There was no science or engineering behind them. And that was almost 70 years ago.

Things change. Knowledge advances.

This isn't to say that SpaceX isn't taking additional, unnecessary risks, but to run back to this bit of ancient received wisdom is hardly helpul.

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Term, holidays, term, holidays, till we leave school, and then work, work, work till we die. -- C.S. Lewis
