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Comment Re:the best solution is (Score 1) 60

Pretty much this. Even if most places were open, shopping locally isn't an option for me beyond fresh groceries. I have a severe injury to my right foot that leaves me unable to drive (if I even still owned a car). Public transportation is NOT an option right now, and never was for significant purchases.

Now, I NEVER buy from Amazon marketplace. Only directly Amazon sold, Prime items.

IF there are other options out there that make sense, and can deliver in what I consider a reasonable time (not two weeks to a month for instance) for a reasonable cost, I consider those too.

My safety and ability to get what I need in a reasonable time with minimal risk to me are far more important to me than someone's dislike of Amazon (sometimes for political reasons because Bezos owns a newspaper that doesn't suck Trump's dick).

Comment Re:Need to move past just medical (Score 0) 275

Just imagine what's going to happen to the economy when deaths start increasing at a rate that can't be accomodated by our medical care.

Then imagine the difficulty of reopening later when people learn that they've been tricked because a narcissistic sociopath wanted a bump that would keep him from being defeated in the election in a landslide.

There is ample money in the government coffers to handle this and take care of people, if only they'd stop with the corporate welfare and concentrate on the important task of getting us through this safely.

But your utilitarian, libertarian, sociopathic ass won't be able to absorb that, I'm sure.

Comment Re:And the other half ... (Score 1) 288

Right. I've been hit pretty hard by this. I was laid off shortly before, and while normally recruiters have me in a new position pretty quickly, most places have put hiring freezes in place for the time being.

This could have been handled better, EARLIER, and less politically. Personally I think travel bans would have been somewhat effective if they had been more than partial on China, and had included oh say, Europe, where most of our cases came through. Barring that, a more comprehensive lockdown earlier than we got it would have flattened the curve earlier and we'd be well into recovery.

Except.. these people who refuse to use common sense and become a mob.

It's disheartening. It's difficult to have people in positions even worse than my own, and to have a faction of the government so DEAD SET against real economic support for those who are jobless right now. "These benefits will continue into July over my dead body." "People are making more than they would have working! This is terrible"

Meanwhile corporations are propped up and money is handed out to BIG business without a second thought, while small businesses and nearly 25% of the workforce is facing the very end.

You wanna talk angry mobs, wait to see what happens if "Over my dead body" talk continues. There's a serious lack of self awareness there.


Comment Re:And the other half ... (Score 1) 288

No part of these guidelines prevent that.

That's what the megacorps that own most of the farms (either directly or through economic indenture) want us to think. They want the panic increased by making people THINK they'll starve, because gosh this is incredibly inconvenient and it's hurting their stock price.

Comment Re:And the other half ... (Score 5, Insightful) 288

The problem is, all the mouth breathers that are out protesting and demanding "open it up" are the same people who WON'T do any of those things. They'll winge about it violating their rights, and intentionally violate rules, guidelines and other people's personal space "to make a point".

And that's what this misinformation is fomenting. Utter disregard for fellow humans because of conspiracy theories and simple lack of empathy.

Comment Re:I hope the government helps (Score 0) 113

What's he gonna do? Throw rolls of Bounty at the river?

Fuckwit even used it for his "free Michigan" horseshit.

This from the political party that feels like spending money on Infrastructure, or regulations, or anything that doesn't involve Corporate Welfare is "wasteful" and "needs careful examination (until well after it's too late)"

I'm surprised he didn't tweet "Successfully drained two swamps in MI!"

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