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Comment Need more info... (Score 1) 313

We need more info. Just because iFixit could not figure out how to take it apart nondestructively dose not mean it cant be done. Remember they are the same guys that couldn't get the cover off the Rift sensor/camera with out damage and all it took unscrewing the mounting post.

Don't get me wrong, they do a great job, but they are flying blind.

Comment Re:Shill Alert (Score 1) 313

Screw you.. someone having a good experience with a product you don't like doesn't make them a shill, but calling them one does make you an ass-hat.

I am on my 4th surface device. Surface RT, Surface Pro 1, Surface Pro 3 and finally a refurbished Surface Pro 4. None of them were perfect, but I used them daily (mostly with the keyboard and a Logitech TrackMan Marble). With the exception of the SP3 power brick that was replaced under warrantee, I never had any trouble with the hardware. None of them were perfect but except for the underpowered integrated video SP3 Wi-Fi sleep issues that were finally fixed with a driver/firmware update, I have no real complaints about them. I use my devices 4 to 6 hours a day, mostly with the keyboard like a traditional laptop and I have not had any issues with the keyboard showing wear or not working.

Comment Re:Great (Score 1) 18

That is quite a chip on your shoulder.

Even the Rift dev kits DK1 and DK2 accounted for more than 150,000 units.
The PSVR had nearly reached a million units back in Feb...
GearVR salse have surpassed 5 million.....

What was it you were saying? Oh yea, you were saying you don't know what the heck you are talking about.

Comment Re:no (Score 2) 236

> the only reason anyone uses Windows is for compatibility with old software

That is utter BS. Yes that is reason some folks run it, but that would only be small portion. A huge number of users use it because that is what is on cheap computer by default and/or that is what their previous computer had.

Comment too many questions (Score 1) 141

It all depends on what you want out of VR.

The only computer I have at home these days is a Surface Pro 4, so Rift & Vive don't interest me at this point.

After following posts by/about John Carmack for years I figured if he plays Minecraft on the GearVR weekly, the experience must be pretty good. A refurbished Galaxy S7 ($300), a X-box One Bluetooth controller ($60), and a GearVR ($99) later and I am a happy camper.

GearVR is admittedly VR-Lite since it does not have positional tracking (only rotational) and uses a non-VR controller, but it is pretty amazing and 100% wireless. So far MinecraftVR and videos use up all the time I have for VR.

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