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Comment Re:NFTs are the best form of IP (Score 1) 89

The question is not why anybody should 'want the same option for digital works', because that option is actually created out of necessity: with for instance a painting there is only one instance. So having ownership of that one instance is actually quite a thing. You have it, and nobody else has it. So you _need_ ownership here to handle the economic scarcity of that one painting.

With digital artwork every instance or copy is indistinguishable from all of its siblings. Which means that there is no scarcity, which means that economic constructs like 'ownership' are not needed.

What it basically boils down to, is that with NFTs you artificially create scarcity for something that is not scarce at all.

And if 'bragging rights' are all that important, just become a patron to an artist and give that artist money. No blockchain needed to do that.

Comment A certain irony (Score 0) 258

There is a certain irony to the fact that a U.S. billionaire is paying to handle a bridge here in the Netherlands (for his half a billion yacht), while in his home country bridges are collapsing. Seems priorities towards taxation and maintenance of common infrastructure are somehow unbalanced.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Cathedral Thinking

What I would post as a comment on FERC Docket No. RM21-17 if their ecomment site worked.

A difference between wind and solar energy and other energy sources is they last essentially forever. Obviously, equipment needs maintaining and replacement from time to time but we expect the wind to blow and the sun to shine over the next two billion years that the Earth remains habitable.

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