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Comment Ho hum. (Score 3, Interesting) 66

The brain starts with the semantics. Some are innate, others are learned, but the semantics is always first. The syntax is then layered on top of this. This is why the high-intelligence end of the autistic spectrum is linked to delayed speech followed by a very rapid process to complex speech. The semantics is being built to a far higher degree, the syntax is postponed until the last possible moment.

AI, as it currently exists, needs a very very large number of examples, far more than the brain by tens of orders of magnitude, and hallucinates far more, because ALL it knows is the syntax. There is no handling of the semantics at all.

This approach can NEVER lead to actual intelligence of any sort, let alone superintelligence. They are solving the wrong problem. And that is why they fail, and why they will only ever fail.

If you want actual intelligence, the syntax must come LAST. And the modern breed of AI researcher is simply far too stubborn and arrogant to fathom that.

Submission + - SPAM: The Gravity of the Situation

jd writes: A number of sites are reporting an unconfirmed breakdown of Relativity at extreme distance: Researchers have stumbled upon a phenomenon that could rewrite our understanding of the universe’s gravitational forces. Known as the “cosmic glitch,” this discovery highlights anomalies in gravity’s behavior on an immense scale, challenging the established norms set by Albert Einstein’s theory of general relativity. However, when applied to the vast scales of galaxy clusters and beyond, this model begins to show cracks. Robin Wen is the project’s lead author and a recent graduate in Mathematical Physics from the University of Waterloo. “At these colossal distances, general relativity starts to deviate from what we observe. It’s as if gravity’s influence weakens by about one percent when dealing with distances spanning billions of light years,” explained Wen. Here's the research paper causing the excitement: [spam URL stripped]

This is where it's being covered by the press: [spam URL stripped]... [spam URL stripped]... [spam URL stripped]... [spam URL stripped]... [spam URL stripped]... [spam URL stripped]... [spam URL stripped]...

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Comment Re:Who knows.. (Score 1) 191

The original margarine is a better example where "those who know better" made a "heart-healthy" replacement for cow-based butter. Turns out making it out of trans-fats made it far more dangerous than butter.

Comment Re:Get smarter (Score 1) 72

These have existed for quite a while, and in fact I'm looking to convert all my radiators over to them. Thermostatic Radiator Valves (TRV) are a 'dumb' solution to this (i.e. not automatable, no app...but works fine) and there are automated versions of these as well.

Meanwhile most of the smart thermostats allow satellite thermometers and can control multiple heating zones.

Comment Re:One more person discovers the cloud is terrible (Score 1) 70

You're right: the cloud isn't going away.

What should go away is for-hire cloud services from monopolistic and abusive vendors. My hope is that people will eventually be able to deploy and manage their own clouds without paying a fortune to, or having your data pilfered by Big Data giants, thereby giving the Microsofts, Amazons and other Googles the middle finger they so richly deserve.

Comment One more person discovers the cloud is terrible (Score 2) 70

Maybe, just maybe, just like in the 80s when the personal computer finally broke the mainframe monopolies and freed us from insufferable BOFHs on power trips and insane pricings, someone or something will come along to break the cloud monopolies.

And then we'll be free again, until the next bunch of suckers lets history repeat itself once more. But I'll be long dead by then.

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