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Comment Re:Coming Soon (Score -1, Flamebait) 617

Why would you want that when you can get an arguably better iPad 2 for $349 refurb or $399 brand new?

oh that's right, this is ./ and it's better to run out dated versions of Android built under worse working conditions than anything Apple makes.

Apple is dominating the tablet market and will continue to do so until a serious competitor comes along, and Android tablets are not it. I don't see any legitimate competition until the Windows 8 tablets begin popping up, as Microsoft intended Windows 8 for tablets from the start. It won't be a hacked up phone OS running on something the size of a tablet. That's my 2c

Comment I used to go to tech camps (Score 4, Informative) 177

When I was younger, during the summers between junior high and high school, I used to go to iD tech camps. I went to the one on the Stanford campus specifically. While there, I got to meet other kids interested in the same things as myself, and I got to go through some short, week long programming language crash courses. If I remember correctly, iD taught me Java, C++, and C#. They had other courses besides programming, such as video editting, and web page design. It was a lot of fun and I would definitely recommend it to others!

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