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Comment Re:what a load of shit (Score 1) 481

I'd imagine any mask mandate would be something along the lines of the executive order issued by Gov. Cuomo of New York, which states that masks must be worn anywhere that social distancing isn't possible. I just got back from a five mile run in Riverside Park in New York City. I wore the mask under my chin and pulled it up anytime I couldn't avoid getting within about ten feet of another person. I probably had it pulled up for a total of about 3 minutes of a 50-minute run (yes, I know I'm slow as crap). Would you really have a problem with something like that?

Comment Interesting article... (Score 1) 237

...in the NY Times about this. It raises a number of good points, but primarily this: airlines have both been engaging in stock buybacks to bump up their share price and irresponsible borrowing (the article uses American Airlines as an example, but they're not the only one). Had they kept the billions of dollars used for the buyback in the bank, and did they not have onerous loan payments, they'd have been able to weather the pandemic just fine. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/0...

Comment All the time! (Score 1) 257

I was an early adopter of gmail, and was able to get an address that's simply (my) firstnamelastname@gmail.com. I also have a fairly common name - there are a few hundred of me in the USA alone. One of those similarly-named folks selected the same gmail address as mine, but with a middle initial (firstnameAlastname@gmail.com). Over the years, I've gotten: his travel reservations, angry letters from his Mom, his credit report (horrifying!), a photo of his Dad asleep poolside with his junk hanging out of his shorts (even more horrifying!), and countless personal and work-related messages. Any time I get a message intended for this person that appears to have been human-generated, I respond and ask that they get the correct address for the person they wish to contact, and remove MY address from their contacts. I've probably done that 75 times over the years, and gotten repeat email from probably 2/3 of those folks. I finally realized that this person must either think my address is his, or he's just an incredibly sloppy typist and consistently omits the 'A' when he keys his address into a form. For a while he even had a website for his business that directed mail from the "Request Info" form to me! This actually finally stopped about six months ago - I'm not sure if this person finally got their address right, or simply stopped using that address, but I'm relieved to know that I'm not likely to get any more photos of sleeping PornoDad.

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