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Comment Easy Way To Solve The Problem (Score 4, Interesting) 380

Google / FB just requires a new HTML header that explicitly gives them permission. If the header isnâ(TM)t there, Google just displays the link and no additional information. As soon as the media outlets watch their views plummet they will either add the header or demand the law be changed immediately.

Comment Re: Online order forms require it (Score 1) 338

I never claimed to have invented it. Also allowing a user to hit #4 (or similar) to charge the caller $1.00 is very different than the mandatory per minute rate of traditional long distance toll calls from back in the technological Stone Age. Perhaps you are too young to remember the particulars.

Comment Re: Online order forms require it (Score 1) 338

On some levels I agree. But if someone is making legitimate calls, if they get hit $1 here or there it won't amount to anything. But if someone is making 10's of thousands of calls, it will add up to a lot. Besides, once the word gets out that if a telemarketer Calls your number they'll get dinged $1, all the telemarketers will stop.

Comment Re: neglect (Score 1, Informative) 410

Paradise CA hired a fire expert back in the 1980s. He went on a tour of the townsite along with a reporter from the local paper. After seeing the amount of undergrowth surrounding the town, the fire expert concluded the town was a death trap. He then quickly resigned so that when the town burned down, he wouldn't be held responsible.

Comment Canada Didn't Stop the Melting (Score 5, Funny) 142

A few years ago, someone decided to use the country of Canada to stop the glaciers from moving southward. It was an environmental disaster with wide spread deforestation and loss of topsoil and native wildlife. Even with an entire country as a buffer, the glaciers did what they would do anyway and headed south. What's more, it was a complete failure. Even though the ice accumulated and became several miles thick in places, Global Warming eventually prevailed and most all the glaciers melted leaving immense amounts of trash in their wake. What's more, the ice was a hazard as it created ice dams and Lake Missoula which broke and released as much as 10 cubic kilometers of water -- per hour creating additional environmental destruction and killing everyone downstream including wildlife. Perhaps it isn't such a great idea after all.

Comment Re: Considering we still do slavery (Score 5, Insightful) 1342

Since everyone is offended nowadays, I'm offended by their statement that it is a peculiar institution in the USA. Someone needs to go back and read their history. The Romans practiced slavery. The Greeks practiced slavery. The Africans did too even before they sold their slaves to the Europeans. The European institution of serfdom wasn't too far off. The Hitites practiced slavery, the Babylonians too. The Jews were slaves in Egypt. Pretty much all of history had slaves. To single it out as a singularly American institution is a bit nieve.

Comment Re: Separation of business and state needed. (Score 1) 69

Yes, but my point is they could just as easily say that their own services (which could include Netflix or a competitor) run twice as fast as Internet services. They could make a deal with Google to provide priority service for Google via their own private network that would be faster than Google via their Internet gateway.

Comment Re: Separation of business and state needed. (Score 2) 69

Ok, I've got a question.....

In the early days, in addition to the "Internet" you had a whole host of private networks. AOL, Compuserve, Prodigy, among others including a whole host of BBSs. These were not part of the Internet. They eventually provided Internet gateways but doing that doesn't mean that they automatically gave up their autonomy and were now part of the Internet itself. So, I what's to stop Comcast, VeriZon, AT&T from simply saying that they are not providing an internet service but they are allowing connection to their private network as well as an Internet gateway and as part of that, they'll prioritize traffic on their network as they see fit (and process "Internet" traffic on a neutral basis.) ?

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