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Comment The main problem with MS Office... (Score 1) 346 that there is no version for Android, IOS, or Linux. They've certainly had long enough to port, so I can only assume the problem is related to some sort of business politics. IMHO, MS are idiots for not taking advantage of the mobile mobile - MILLIONS of dollars on the table and yet here we are - NO mobile versions.

It might be time for Steve B to go. He's still thinking it's the 80's where you just ignore the competition or buy them out. Well, here they are now, Windows 8 and Surface are failures in the market - so much wiping out the existing order. Google Docs and LibreOffice finally giving Word a run for it's money - well, they MIGHT, if Word could be found on Android/IOS...

MS needs to shift course quickly before they aren't the only option anymore, although I think that ship has sailed now.

Comment Sounds like it's time for a Network Audit (Score 2) 304

This was pulled on me last week. Apparently, my email about understaffing didn't go over too well, and it was assumed that the network was incorrectly configured. The funny thing was, it had NOTHING to do with anything but normal network issues, and for the most part had more to do with getting everyone's itch scratched concerning more mundane issues like laptop battery replacements and toner.

Management simply does not grok what I do (everything from A+ level to VMware), and with a tripling of students in the last three years, things have gotten out of hand. So the 'network audit' told them nothing but that we had 'a leg up' on most schools and that I could use some help... Heh.

Comment Re:Good luck! (Score 1) 65

Awesome! So in other words, all someone has to do is upload a music file to an opposition's candidate's site and get them shut down? When they pass SOPA in the U.S., I'd love to see some of this go down - imagine the sites that could be shut down... Yeah, those pro-SOPA too. ;)

Comment Pay SciFi Channel... (Score 1) 742

Yes, that's what we need. A audience-driven science fiction channel. I would gladly pay a monthly fee to get quality programming, in particular, wouldn't it be nice to have something like Firefly again?

The thing is, SF shows are EXPENSIVE and have a limited audience. My guess is that the only way we're going to get what we want is if we pay as we go. After all, it's not like we have much of a choice nowadays.

Comment Oblivion - Coop... (Score 2) 439

I think Oblivion could've even been better if it had had coop mode. My friend and I actually explored places together, playing parallel to each other. It would've been a LOT more fun if we could have been in the same world together. Just because you have multiplayer, doesn't mean it has to mean deathmatch.

Get creative!


Google Earth Adds 3-D Trees 95

terrancem writes "Google has populated several major cities with more than 80 million virtual trees based on an automated process that identifies trees in satellite images. The realistic 3D representations are based on actual tree species found in urban areas. But Google has also extended realistic tree coverage to rainforests in Africa, Mexico, and the Amazon."

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