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Comment I think people are missing part of the story (Score 3, Interesting) 284

the toothbrush in question was found in checked luggage. The story didn't say if it was a security person who found the bag, or if it was a baggage handler or some other person who doesn't have the right to inspect the bag. It wasn't a matter of going through the security checkpoint where the passenger is sitting in front of the bag and could get the toothbrush out and explain what it is. Now whether sounds require closing down the airport, that seems like a bit of overreaction.

Comment Depends on how you group things (Score 2) 540

I think the products listed are generalized in a way to make the arguement. In the first wave, he lists (energy source, technology), aka (steam, locamotive). The second wave is (electricity and petroleum, and technologies and industries enabled). The third breaks the naming methodology and list just technologies. Of course certain forms of technologies are reaching the end of their economic impact. Another way to have stated the third wave is not in terms of products, but the technology that enabled the products. Have we exhausted the economic impact of the transistor? Even with the existing items. Electricity, petroleum and steam are nowhere near the end of their impact, so I find it hard to even state that phase 1 and phase 2 are over. In fact, when you add the problems of mainstream coal, nuclear and economic viability of solar, you could say that petroleum remains one of the most crucial factors to economic growth, and that's stage 2 according to the article.

Comment Is it needed in today's world? (Score 2) 79

While I agree that Nintendo Power played a big part of my childhood, in retrospect, it seemed to be really a gigantic set of ads masked as articles. Every article made every game sound like it was good, with no mistaking the bias behind it. Maybe that was fine when Nintendo Power came first came out, both because the average quality was higher (and also perhaps when I was young and the parent were paying, I was less discriminating on quality). Today, we do have to sort through a boatload of bad games. What's needed is to call out the bad games if they're not pulling their weight. With the price of games today, it doesn't take long for bad purchases to add up quick. While I will miss Nintendo Power, I also miss Atari Age as well New Zork Times.

Comment Why do you wait in line for new Apple devices? (Score 1) 612

It's great that you mix & mingle with other Apple fans by waiting in line for the latest Apple devices. At first, it was completely unexpected to see you waiting in line, when it's obvious that you're well connected to Apple, and have the wealth to not have to wait. But now it's become a bit of tradition to see Woz show up waiting overnight to get the latest Apple products.

Are you getting paid to wait in line?

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