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Microsoft Responds To 360 Hackers 170

Microsoft would like to remind you that hacking your console most definitely voids your warranty. From the Eurogamer article: "Modified consoles, Microsoft added, 'will not be eligible for technical support, and the user's warranty will be voided ... the protection of intellectual property rights is a high priority for Microsoft and our partners, one that significantly and positively impacts economic growth, technological innovation, and most importantly, the confidence of customers who count on the integrity and quality of their products.'"

42 *IS* The answer to Life, the Universe and Zeta 316

Venusian Treen writes "In their search for patterns, mathematicians have uncovered unlikely connections between prime numbers and quantum physics. The gist is that energy levels in the nucleus of heavy atoms can tell us about the distribution of zeros in Riemann's zeta function - and hence where to find prime numbers. This article discusses this connection, and introduces two physisicts who tell us 'why the answer to life, the universe and the third moment of the Riemann zeta function should be 42.'"

RFID, Sign of the (End) Times? 843

andy753421 writes "Wired is running an article featuring Katherine Albrecht who, with her new book 'The Spychips Threat: Why Christians Should Resist RFID and Electronic Surveillance', is warning that RFID tags may in fact be the "mark of the beast". Among her arguments are that in a futuristic world anyone who wishes to buy and sell goods would be compelled "to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads," as is foretold in the book Revelation. Others are skeptical saying that many new technologies, such as the printing press, bar-codes, and several others, have also created fears about the beginning of the end."
User Journal

Journal Journal: Science and Religion in America

I just read an article at the New York Times (free reg. blah) that mentions a Gallup pole in December which found that 46% of Americans identify themselves as evangelical or born-again Christians, and that whereas 28% of Americans believe in evolution, 48% believe in creationism. Slashdot readers, obviously, are not a representative sample, but what do you all think about these figures? Do they seem reasonable to you given the (
User Journal

Journal Journal: software art at Whitney museum

Well, I'm sick of having interesting submissions rejected, so I'm going to post to my journal every time I get a good one rejected.

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Things are not as simple as they seems at first. - Edward Thorp
