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Comment My Notice to General Mills (Score 4, Interesting) 216

IANAL, but can I send them this? Note that I would include my name and birth year per their legal requirements if I decide to send it.

Any attempt to contact me via phone, email, or newspaper, constitutes acceptance of these legal terms. Any coupons for products produced by your company that are sent to me without my explicit request or that show up in an advertisement on the internet confirm your agreement to these terms.

I do not agree to binding arbitration. I do not agree to any terms which General Mills has proscribed. I hereby agree to ignore any response, and only to send bills in the amount of $100,000.00 to General Mills if I receive a response. If I currently have any existing customer relationship with General Mills I hereby declare that relationship null and void. Any coupons from General Mills which arrive in my mailbox or in my email will result in a $10,000.00 per coupon recycling charge.

ANY attempt to reply to my email will cost General Mills $100,000.00. There are no exceptions. If you disagree, if you think these terms are unfair, the only acceptable way to avoid payment of these terms that I have proscribed is to change your legal terms: http://generalmills.com/Legal_... to something compatible with US Constitutional law.

Again, I am not bound by your legal terms. If your legal team finds some way that I am inadvertently bound by your legal terms (e.g. member of a particular website, that I was not aware was owned by General Mills), then General Mills owes me $100,000.00 and is required to remove me from that website at its own expense. If after that removal, you find that I'm still somehow related to General Mills in anyway, that will be another $100,000.00. So get it right the first time! Because I explicitly requested not to be bound by your legal terms and this notice serves as a record of that statement per your own legal terms.

Comment How appropriate! (Score 1) 431

So now this should be a great thread. Slashdotters will comment on an article about writing without rules, wondering about whether this creates a generation of illiterates, without actually reading the article.

If a literate person chooses not to read, or an illiterate person cannot read, will the decrease in paper demanded raise a generation of enough trees in forests that can fall without making sounds?

Comment Re:I guess I don't see the reason this is on the (Score 1) 490

You didn't see the blatant plug of "The Dark Knight Rises" along with the subtle subliminal record-setting use of the word DVD?

A better question is "who invented those caps in the laundry detergent?" The whole purpose is to prevent spillage with that strange shape and surface tension etc. But due to the impracticality of building a single-piece bottle with that shape, manufacturers just add the cap to the original bottle with some kind of adhesive. Since that adhesive appears to wear out from contact with detergent, the detergent leaks out from that seam whenever you have to tip it that far. I.e. the detergent leaks from the very same spot it always did before the cap was invented. This always bugged me why manufacturers even bothered doing that.

Comment Same Difference (Score 1) 335

My beef with Pielke's conclusions are that they are the same as regular climate "scientists"; namely that a transfer of wealth will somehow save the world. Whether it's carbon credits, or simply giving our money away to have less wealth to lose, global warming proponents simply can't come up with conclusions that allow the status quo to remain in place. When there are some conclusions that point out the advantages of oil spills, recommend increasing the number of wars waged to secure oil resources, show the economic benefits of more subsidies for oil exploration, and demonstrate without a doubt that the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is nothing more than a make-work program for lazy polar bears who haven't contributed anything of value to humanity since coming into existence 130000 years ago, then I'd be open to supporting more research in this area. Until then, I'll have to take solace in my yachts and record profits since people won't thank how I single-handedly saved all the whales from extinction; whales with the intelligence to spend very little time considering how much methane they produce when they use the bathroom. And once the environmentalists finally succeed in stemming the rising oceans, the whales are welcome to swim in my giant pool of money, while they wait for humanity to figure out how to prevent the oceans from getting too small.

--Big Oil

PS Just don't take my money. The whales will have no place to swim.
PPS If I had more money, the whales could swim in my pool of money, and I could just float the oil on the defunct oceans and save a lot of hassle. Plus all those advantages of oil spills to boot. Where's that research at?

Comment Re:Slashdot Beta (Score 2) 9

There are no changes that are good. I can explain why each change is poorer than the existing site:

Pictures vs No Pictures
I want a site which loads quickly so I can see stories that are there. I'm a nerd so I read stuff. I don't need these pictures cluttering the display like I can't understand the summary. The editors can't get the summaries right, and the pictures don't add to the understanding either. Right now I see a picture of wires next to an article about Verizon slowing down Netflix. Yeah, maybe they're crimping the wires. Maybe they've got a rats nest of collections. That picture is a waste of bandwidth, which on phones, is money out of my pocket.

New Comments vs Old Comments: Adds borders and line spacing for no reason. You know, I understand the tablet interface. And I understand code. IF(tablet is browsing) { then adjust display accordingly; } ELSE { make it look good on a desktop; }. Don't waste my space, please.

ID vs NO ID. You know, it's always interesting to see the Slashdot ID. You can tell if you're dealing with someone who's been on the site for a long time, or a newbie. Now I don't know who to listen to with reverence or with patience. Maybe they'll fix it in beta. Maybe not.

Load More vs Not Load More. Ok, this Load More business is just maybe a pet peeve of mine. I don't like sites that use it, but it appears to be undefeatable. I really don't like Load More buttons. I visited the website, show me the whole content.

Don't force me to login with some kind of preferences to get a minimal interface. That should be the default anonymous experience.

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