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Comment Re:Just great... (Score 1) 206

7 Billion people around the world are actively engaged in (unintentional) home-brew microbiological experimentation. I really doubt that a few hundred "intentional" experimenters are going to bend the curve of viral and bacteriological evolution.

Speaking of which; the next time Sarah Palin claims evolution is too slow, or that we should be able to "see" it happening; will not some idiot reporter remember that HIV, SARS, Swine Flu, and Bird Flu are all examples of evolution in her own lifetime?

Comment Re:solutions from the article (Score 2, Interesting) 264

I suppose one should calculate of what materials the Asteroid is made, and determine the least material necessary to make a combustion from those materials. If, for example, the Asteroid is ice; one could land, then use sunlight to convert water into hydrogen and oxygen, then fire off jets at optimal moments in the rotation. This isn't very complicated, and we've already intercepted an asteroid.

Comment Re:Sigh. We can emulate it. (Score 1) 145

I hear your point; The flip argument might be that security is never an absolute, but rather a question of the time it takes to break it. (Safes are in fact rated in the hours it takes to breach them).
One can emulate; however the emulation is often not as time-effective as the real; so I wonder if a reader could not detect the time difference of the emulation?

Comment Chosen People (Score 1) 128

My daughter is - thus far - an atheist and she gets confronted by antiatheists (paid public school teachers). Everyone gets picked on for the aspects of their life which makes them different. The average jew in the world does not on balance face a life of disproportionate poverty - on the contrary, the average jew will hide behind history as an excuse to extort others (and mutilate babies).

What was the role of the chosen people in the Bank Fraud? yeah, right, let's not look for fear of being labeled antichosenite.

What are the jews doing building settlements on other people's property?

While I oppose much of what is done in the name of god, chosens, or allah; I do not treat individuals any differently simply because of the group into which they were born; moreover, I have escaped the bondages of my own birth (protestant) - so I have attained and believe in Individualism. Quit hiding behind the victim-hood card, or touting a medieval fraud of religion which claims superiority. we know where that leads...

Comment Home of the free pass (Score 1) 128

So here you accuse one of antisemitism for noting that "the jews", whoever that means, and it isn't at all clear BTW, would benefit their own reputation by avoid even the appearance of assigning blame-by-association. You're generous reply includes both - a condemnation of bigotry, followed by bigotry.

I suggest you're wrong on both counts:
1. It is not bigotry to encourage a group to rein in their most radical elements - we should be so lucky to have both the jews and the arabs rein in their radicals - which are together a blight on our lifetimes, and
2. Your accusation that I was directly involved in murder is unspeakable and beyond the pail; if your goal is to turn people who take a balanced view of Judaism into antisemitism; just blame the average, protestant-raised atheistic as a murderer simply because he has had the temerity to live in Kyev.

Don't you have some baby genitals to mutilate in the name of god? remember god won't choose you if you don't choose mutilation.

Comment Re:Israel is an interesting exercise in Game Theor (Score 4, Insightful) 128

Read Phyrrhic victory. Everytime a jew "wins" by brutalizing an opponent which is inferior and powerless in every way, it gives back more in terms of the international goodwill marked "holocaust" than it gains.

Oh; and the homophobes in Brooklyn yesterday didn't do "the jews" any favors; especially when there was no condemnation from any other "jewish anti-defamation league".

Just sayin.

First the Jews came for the Palestinians, and I was quiet, because they wear towels on their head.
Then the Jews came for the gays, and I said nothing because my best friend is a Jew.
Then they came for the Jews, and I pretended they didn't have it coming...

The free pass your parents got doesn't extend to future generations -

Comment Re:Free Speech (Score 1) 578

Yeah, I kind of disagree.
If we hide our secrets and they hide theirs, we never appear to be the more honest open, and transparent alternative.
Remember winning a war against their weapons is like child's play - the hard part is to convince the "other" that "our way" is better than "their way"
We don't win the peace with secrets, and prying open the lies properly spanks the government for even thinking about trying to deceive their way to victory.
These aren't nuclear know how secrets, this is diplomatic - who is double-crossing who stuff.

The job your friends are doing is justifying the Bush Presidency. fuggetaboutit.

The Arab world will continue to be a hell hole exactly as long as it want to, as long as they force their women to make more babies than 2.2, they won't be able to afford education, and they will need wars to prevent starvation. until that is unwound, you don't have a prayer.

Comment Re:nice (Score 1) 578

I missed the part where Amnesty International condemned Scooter Libby for releasing information that put a CIA operative at risk. Must have been sick that day or is there not a sweet-a$$ double standard here?

Why not pardon everyone (like GW Bush did, and Ford - Both Republicans) in exchange for cooperation on cleaning the documents?

Comment Re:Free Speech (Score 1) 578

Obama, might rather say,
Julian, in exchange for a Scooter-Libby grade Pardon for the informant which indeed respects the First Amendment right of the people to know what the F%&& their government is doing - especially when they are lying their way into wars (See Colin - the warmonger - Powell)

Would you might permitting us paying a third party to clean the documents?

I'll bet that would save lives and the truth in a single breath.

Comment Re:The sad part? (Score 1) 578

I agree; wikileaks occured (or is necessary) because dumb-f&&& Colin Powel marched his a$$ up to a microphone and said 15 words that started a useless war; a war which neither Colin Powel or Bush have any intention of paying for - but rather ask my children to pay.

So what if they get it wrong a time or two - Bush Cheney got it wrong every time, and where is the outcry, the "see if your government outlaws torture so we can limit Bush's travel" memo?

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