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Comment Re:LOL (Score 1, Flamebait) 247

The lying PM even had the audacity to say that thatcher was ahead of her time by closing those mines - they are suggesting she had a green agenda which is a lie. Utter bullshit - most of our iron ore and coal now imported from China. Of course we dont count the emissions. For China to do its part they would need to deny us those things. We ARE responsible pointing fingers and waving dicks around gets us no-where. Since Brexshit - our government is signing trade deals with countries on the opposite side of the world. So on paper our internal emissions might look small but we are absolutely responsible for fossil fuel powered cargo liners coming from Australia or China shipping to the UK. its bullshit and it is greenwash. We have no time left to even debate this. Action is non-optional if we are to avert extinction.

The only thing Fascist UK leads on is Propaganda and Greenwash.

Comment Re:Greenwash , Lies and lack of trust. (Score 2) 247

Pretty much none of them.
Far Far better to look at news from other countries to see how we are viewed from places without an UK agenda , Or independent news.

If you find this pill hard to swallow, its your choice to
opt-in to a propaganda service. But propaganda is the only language brits understand. Thats why we elected a racist bigoted government that has control of the media, our news outlets and silences free speech. It wants to pass a racist bill that would make protesting a criminal offence with up to 10yrs imprisonment. They seek to make GRT people illegal to exist.

Much of this is not reported on the BBC or Mainstream media - and if it is , its set against a backdrop of bigotry designed to incite hatred or disdain for different members of society.

Some light reading for you :

Comment Greenwash , Lies and lack of trust. (Score 0) 247

BBC is one of the most effective propaganda services in the world , the nations LEAST trusted news service and broadcaster.
It admitted that it would not expose Prime Minister Boris Johnson's lies "for fear that it would undermine public faith in democracy"
UK steel industry relies on coal imported from china on boats powered by fossil fuels. We have awesome propaganda here in the UK.
Many Brits wont accept that they are subservient, slaves to one of the most corrupt governments in the world but they are.

This is #Greenwash
Boris Johnsons is a racist bigoted liar.
BBC are his untrustworthy lipservents.

BBC is a social narrative service , it isnt news and should not be viewed as such.

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