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Comment Re:Gold Dust! (Score 1) 248

Pixie dust is odorless and colorless (so it won't aggravate your parents), and has the added advantage of not requiring fans (it disperses itself and stays suspending in the air). Finally, a tiny bit goes a long, long way, (so it's way cheaper). One thing that takes getting used to, though, is everyone being in a great mood. And finding a source is fairly difficult -- but worth it. :)

Comment Re:store twice, then pop?? (Score 1) 219

Could someone explain to me why we store twice before popping??

One for the shape and the other for the color.

Ah, but this was in the days of the Apple ][, for which anyone who ever did any any graphics programming would know that the location of a pixel (i.e., next to which other pixel) could affect the color. So, in a certain limited sense, the shape WAS the color.

I tend to agree with Dan East above, that this was probably Woz's speaking style.

Comment Re:Additional tablet feature (Score 1) 789

I suffer from the same problem so a continual problem with tablets that I don't see going away.

I just started using a napkin.

I got a nice anti-glare plastic screen protector for my Motorola Droid phone, which is very resistant to fingerprints and smudges, Hard to imagine such things won't be also available for the more popular tablets, eventually.

Submission + - Researchers Hack Into Cars’ Electronics (nytimes.com)

dmmiller2k writes: "Reminds me of the scene in "Live Free and Die Hard" where Justin Long's character convinces the OnStar operator to start the car remotely. It'd be pretty cool to be able to warm the car up remotely from my home, before I walked out the door on a cold day."

Submission + - Space, the Final Shuttle (google.com)

dmmiller2k writes: "Wow! Imagine how they actually got the original Captain Kirk, William Shatner, to record this modified version of the opening voiceover during the theme song:

'Space, the final frontier. These have been the voyages of the Space Shuttle Discovery.

'Her 30 year mission: To seek out new science. To build new outposts. To bring nations together on the final frontier. To boldly go, and do, what no spacecraft has done before,' said Shatner, who played Captain Kirk in the popular television and movie series."

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