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Comment The usual pathetic crying (Score 1) 84

The "agencies" are just using porn abuse as an excuse. The truth is they're bitter that encryption is blocking them from accessing people's messages. They've been crying about this every single time they can't get their hands on something. Encryption is supposed to make messages turn into secrets that only the sender and the receiver can decipher. This is the ONLY way any encryption means. There's no such thing as designing encryption "in a way". There's ONLY that one way. Any other way is not encryption. PERIOD. All those 3 letter agencies can kiss my ass if I poke them by the balls.

Comment Somebody forgot to ask the real question (Score 1) 73

Even though I'm very in support of fighting climate change, I think the international forums including the Paris Accord don't have a clear picture of the "how". Regardless, Brazil is a country full of corrupt politicians. How do we know our money will be put to good use? How many millionaires are we going to create without helping the rainforest at all?

Comment Corporate arguments are blatantly stupid (Score 0) 69

They are concerned that the bill could undermine end-to-end encryption - which means the message can only be read on the sender and the recipient's app and nowhere else

Why would any company oppose the above? And if they oppose, what's their alternative? It's like they're literally asking for permissions to steal messages. And the way they word their argument is like they're doing the world a favor.

Comment Re:The World Wide Web (Score 1) 152

This was available before in the form of There was also a more ancient platform in the 90s - 2000s called for asian internet users. Eventually all of these sites went bankrupt because only a small % of the users were able to keep their own "page" interesting. The rest was just poor content.

Comment Who foots the bills? (Score 1) 152

It costs millions of dollars per month to run an operation like Twitter, that's computing costs alone, not including any other costs at all. So if this was not to be for profit, who pays? The only answer to that is allowing it to be owned/operated by the government. Which will turn the free world into government controlled third worlds. We already see how it works in China, Cuba, Russia, North Korea, Venezuela. If we want to join the ranks, by all means, let the White House run it. But if they wanna take over Twitter, Musk is gonna want $100B for his sales.

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