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Comment Re:Not surprising (Score 1) 204

The closures are because Walmart found that they didn't have the high profit levels in their smaller urban stores that they had hoped for, so they closed them in favor of their regular superstores. That's the same reason why they closed the one in our extremely safe neighborhood.

And no, a group invading a store and then stealing while the overwhelmed staff is powerless to stop them is not in any way new. It's an old technique of the Roma (Gypsies) dating back at least to the end of the 19th century in the Midwest (and probably other areas). The only difference today is that the ability to sell purloined goods online makes it more profitable.

Comment Re:Ban all weapons in space (Score 1) 109

The US proposal is a counter to the one from the Russians and Chinese to ban all weapons in space (I don't think observation platforms are considered weapons). Not making the news is the fact that the US has been blocking that attempt for years.

Using nukes in space would be stupid, and Russians are not stupid (contrary to our TV programs). It would take out everything, not just the enemy's equipment but your own as well. It's likely that the US resisted the alternative proposal because they've already fielded anti-sat technology of their own illegally, my guess would be a variation on their "smart bullet" developments. Destroying the power supply or comms of an opponent's satellite leaves your own intact, while avoiding the nightmare of a Kessler Syndrome situation.

Comment Re:Nice idea, but (Score 1) 109

Over 150 countries, representing over 2/3 of the world's population, are ignoring the US-demanded sanctions against Russia. This is a rather transparent attempt to convince the majority to fall in line. For those paying attention it was revealing that the reason given for Russia vetoing and China abstaining from the proposal to ban nukes in space is that those countries wanted to amend it to banning ALL weapons in space. The amendment was of course blocked by the US, who almost certainly has space-based weapons already that it doesn't want to give up.

Comment Re:Not surprising (Score 1) 204

the specific political party that tends to welcome crime

The Uniparty? Admittedly, the Democrats seem to be a bit more competent at getting away with graft and corruption than the Republicans, but that's mostly a matter of picking better staff. If the Repugs were to stop hiring sycophants and ideologues their conviction rate would drop dramatically.

Or were you referring to the Prison Industrial Complex? That's been a bipartisan effort since the '90s, with Biden leading the way and Gingrich close behind to get to the point where we have locked up a larger number and a larger percentage of the population than any other country on the planet. Both parties equally oppose applying anything like rationality or evidence to the problem of recidivism, with the result that a larger percentage of our criminals continue their life of crime after leaving prison than even most Third World countries. Keeps the private prison industry fat and happy, and a prison in almost every congressional district at full occupancy, so the money keeps rolling in. Bipartisanism at its worst.

Did you know that the Untied States has had an "Immigration Crisis" about once a generation since its founding? Go look at the news from pretty much any time period in the last two and a half centuries and conservatives of the time will be crying for a solution to the "crisis" of immigration of Irish, Italian, Chinese, Mexican, German, Vietnamese, and pretty much ever other large group of "undesirables" to arrive on this continent. They're ALWAYS accused of bringing crime, prostitution, often drugs, frequently communism/socialism, and generally are predicted to be about to overwhelm the prevailing society. Like the eternal fearmongering about raising the minimum wage, nothing ever happens and the noise dies down, until the next time when the past is completely forgotten and conservatives again get their panties in a twist. Wash, rinse, and repeat.

And yes, I know why they closed. It's for exactly the same reason why the Walmart in my exceedingly safe suburban neighborhood closed. Walmart didn't make the earnings that they expected from smaller stores, so they closed them and returned to their traditional superstores.

Comment Re:Not surprising (Score 5, Informative) 204

The "increasing public perception" is just that, a perception created by the media for eyeballs. The reality is that violent crime is falling, has been falling for three decades, and there is no expectation that trend is likely to change any time soon. On the other hand political violence is rising, again to large extent because of the media. My recommendation to you would be to start to look a lot more critically at your media consumption, look for factual data rather than emotional statements (as few and far between as they may be).

Comment Re:Wow (Score 1) 73

The audience got old, reactionary and stupid.

And greedy. If research isn't going to make someone money they see no reason that it should be carried out. Knowledge for knowledge's sake doesn't make anyone rich so in the trash can of history it goes. The worst part is that I see a large portion of our government follows their example. I can't help but think that it has a **LOT** to do with the modern media addiction and the short term outlooks that it generates.

Comment Re: Wow (Score 1) 73

Ages ago I worked at a place doing physical security, so the installers were experienced doing low voltage wiring. I wanted to approach the zoos in Seattle and Tacoma (and later other cities) about wiring up the elephant house with controls that would allow them to call each other. In the wild elephants frequently communicate long distances from one water hole to another via low frequency sound. After investigating I found that (without any donations of equipment, just labor donated) the cost would have been around $4,000, so a project that I could have personally funded. Once I found the correct person to communicate with I found that the Seattle zoo was about to close the elephant house and send them to a reserve where there would be other animals. So nice idea, just bad timing.

This makes me wonder if it would be worth approaching them again, this time to see if they would be interested in letting their birds or apes talk to residents of other zoos.

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