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Submission + - Windows 8 Devs Enticed By Offers - Such As Meet Steve Ballmer! (i-programmer.info)

mikejuk writes: Microsoft really has a lot riding on the success of Windows 8 and the UI formerly known as Metro. So much so that it is offering as much help and encouragement to developers it can think of. For reasons that aren't immediately obvious, the latest round in the "encourage developers" war is being waged with a UK-specific website. You sign up for all sorts of help but if you submit an app before the official Windows 8 launch date then you can win a meeting with Steve Ballmer. The only reason I can think that a dev might want to meet Mr Ballmer is to kick his shins in revenge for the number of technologies he has chosen to dump in a single OS upgrade and for how stability rates fairly low at the new re-imagined Microsoft.

Comment PHP and JavaScript (Score 1) 477


echo "Hello, World!";

is the shortest and right syntax.


console.log("Hello, World!");

All this is DOM related. you don't have to use js with DOM context,
the first one an HTML tag.

<script type="text/javascript"> ...
document.write("Hello World!")

Comment Re:about "Third Palestinian Intifada" (Score 1) 350

i'm not naive, and if by "lobby" you mean: influence legislation on behalf of a special interest. well that's not new, that's just politics. it really depends on who's interest it is. i can tell you didn't hear much "Iranian official" then. it's not what you hear what you get, sometimes you should use your logic and do 1+1.

So here's my advice. Know your enemy, and try to understand their motives.

here's the thing, i got Internet and it's not filtered, there's no disinformation here if you bother to look around. i don't think i need your advice about Arabs or Muslims, i live among them many years, been in IDF too. they are not different from us, by biology or DNA, but some of them are different from us, by their belief.
and i really think people in the EU and the US might actually be the ones who don't know who are the Arabs and Muslims really, because there's much more to that then just "Arabs" and "Muslims" and "Palestinians". i actually think with might have a real peaceful solution by the end of this year with the Palestinians, but the other side will need to show some will and courage. the problem is not the Palestinians, they are about 5-6 million people of over a billion Muslims, you need to look at the big picture and understand the Arab world and who are the Sunni and the Shi'a, and then you'll understand Palestinians in another light, you'll see they are OK really. and if they lived in other, even Arab country, they will probably be dead (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sabra_and_Shatila_massacre ya, we fucked up there, but we are not the ones who killed them, we were naive then i guess)

Comment Re:about "Third Palestinian Intifada" (Score 1) 350

I call this crap, cause no matter how you put it, when it's an issue related to state politics, it will always have some hidden or unknown motives behind it, motives you and i probably not aware of (true for US, EU and every country, and that's why i call it crap). Israel does not disregards every UN resolution, but our country has a democratic government, and it makes it's final decision based on many many internal and external factors, and usually by several government figures and not only the PM. sometimes we too don't like our gov's decisions, but it's the one we elected. and if most of us were thinking our gov acts wrong, we would've changed it, like we did in the past.

UN wants Israel to respect it? they should do something, and that thing is probably stopping Iran first, with force if it's needed, because they gonna bomb the world with nukes with their "holy war" shit, and no body seems to care. Israel won't stand on the side, and let that happen, cause we will be first to get it, and it doesn't matter if you're the US the EU or the UN.

And your right, i shouldn't use "concentration camps" as an excuse, nor black people, it was just a remind, horrible things happened not too long ago, why would you think it can't happen today? be cause we got the internet? be cause of freedom? i'm not so sure most of the world live in real freedom. you say Jews and Israelis are not the same, be here in Israel it is, not everyone are religious here (including me), but most Israelis know the bible, and they believe in it's ways, without any connection to God, it's a guide to the world, and to people that was written many years ago, and still most of it's principles applies now days too, and we would like to keep this tradition, because it's important to me. we have may mosques and churches, we have Muslim and Christian citizens, and Ya, we don't like when Muslims (in some cases) are so fanatic about their religion and want to apply it on everyone everywhere. you can choose be a Jew or not, no one here will tell you what to do.

and no body comes "crying" to anyone, it's just that we are using International Relations to try and promote our wishes, because the other solutions (instead of "crying") seemed to involve guns, missiles and tanks, and we are trying to avoid it as much a we can, it's kinda hard when the other side acts the opposite.

Comment Re:about "Third Palestinian Intifada" (Score 0) 350

Also, the allegation that it is children that fire those rockets is, as far as I've ever seen, just that: an allegation. I've never seen footage of children firing the aforementioned rockets. Or ever seen any Hamas element admitting so. Anyway, even if it is children that fire the rockets (why would people that are willing to sacrifice their lives in a suicide attack put their own children at risk before themselves is something I find mind-boggling and very hard to believe without hard proof) and that those rockets could eventually hit a kindergarten, that is no justification to kill those same children. I'm sure that with all the money Israel spends in weaponry, Israelis could find less lethal defense and deterrent mechanisms.

Let me correct my self, it's NOT usually children who fire the missiles, but who ever fires them are usually young people (most of Gaza are youngsters), and they sometimes bring children to missile launch sites (or escape cars) AND IT IS all about "Palestinians and their children", why? because it's the parents who educate this next generation. since i was in middle school (the Israeli education system) i was taught about peace, palestines, even when buses were blowing up on a daily basis, no one in our schools said, "kill palestines", or encouraged use to blow our selfs on palestines. i can't say the same for the other side, they teach hate of Israel to their children, what do you think their children will do when they get older, talk peace? i don't think so, they would not know what peace is.

believe me, the weapons and methods IDF are as non-lethal as they can be, just look how many get killed in other conflict zones around the world. tell me, why should Israel spend even more money on "less lethal defense mechanisms"? while the other side do the opposite? how will that contribute to peace? it's still weapons, and with weapons you make war, and not peace. it's the education that should change, not the weapons types.

Until you people realize that what people hate is not Israel but Israel's atitude of complete disregard for anyone or anything else but their own (short term) selfish interests

what you call "disregard" i call just standing for it's self, we won't take every crap US, EU or UN has to throw at us. it's only 60 years ago EU was a Concentration Camp for Jews, and about the same time ago, Black people in the US were still slaves. while the UN did very little to actually solve any conflict since it's creation. so who are you to teach us the rights and wrongs? nobody asked you to "scramble" or "apply damage control" - but it's just probably the right thing to do.

Comment Re:about "Third Palestinian Intifada" (Score 1) 350

Playing devil's advocate for a moment

it has nothing to do with the devil, it's just the sad truth.
Israel has high capabilities in self-defense, we unwillingly were developing them in past 60 years, HAMAS in the Gaza strip is actually not our biggest problem, we have worst, the nuclear kind (Japan worries you?), HAMAS just shoot rockets at Israel as this some kind of child game, but it's not a game. and in many cases, it's actually children who shoot the rockets (and miss, because they didn't read the manual? or don't know to read?), and then get killed, because no F-16 pilot and distinguish between a 13 y/o boy with a mask and a grow up terrorist (i'm not sure there's a difference), then it makes the news of course, and everyone sad, we are too, but at the same time, this rocket, if guided right, could land on a local kindergarten and kill 10 children. why should Israel wait for the worst to happen? predicting the near future is not hard, if you sit on a nail it will probably hurt.

Comment about "Third Palestinian Intifada" (Score 1, Troll) 350

ah, as an Israeli it's always nice to see comments like "... If the Israelis would stop committing crimes against humanity ...", that's right "crimes against humanity" as exactly what we do here in Israel, every day in the morning i wake up and think what new crime against humanity i can do today AND how can i make Palestinians to suffer more.

let me tell explain what "Third Palestinian Intifada" means to a regular 27 year old Israeli like me who have served in IDF for 3 years, and did NOT forget the "Second Palestinian Intifada". it means I'm gonna wake up every morning, open my TV and find out another Palestinian blow him self out in a bus/train/whatever, I'm gonna first call my parents and ask if they are OK, and then I'm gonna think witch one of my friends might have been there, and call them too, hoping they are OK too.

I know Palestinians people did suffer a lot (so did the Israelis), but look around us, look at Egypt, Libya, Syria, Lebanon, i promise you, the Palestinians in occupied territories have a lot more rights, freedom and are safer then citizens in this countries. everyone who see in "Third Palestinian Intifada" something legitimate just don't know that this three words mean. hope Palestinians will start thinking with their brains instead their "honor" and continue building their state with the help and money they are provided with instead fighting Israeli citizens, a fight they can't really win.

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