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Comment Re:Wood burning electric generators... (Score 1) 198

I honestly couldn't tell whether this was an expert troll, or the dumbest thing I've ever read.

Burning wood is extremely polluting. Not just CO2 but also particulates, green house gasses and toxic chemicals:

>Wood smoke pollutants include fine particulates, nitrogen oxides, sulfur oxides, carbon monoxide, volatile organic compounds, dioxins, and furans. Breathing air containing wood smoke can cause a number of serious respiratory and cardiovascular health problems.

So your solution to California's energy crisis is to bathe the already #1 creator of pollution in the USA, into an even bigger black cloud.

Comment Flash was the means, not the reason (Score 2) 72

The internet wasn't always consolidated onto about 10 multi-billion dollar websites with strict rules about "Content". It used to be a free form wild west, just like Slashdot used to be.

Look anywhere with lax rules and you'll see creativity. 4chan for example. (if you can stomach all the disgusting stuff that comes with that freedom.) Half the good memes start there before they end up at Reddit, which then spams them, and then finally "journalists" who get paid write articles... about memes... (k.y.s.) and then parrot them back to the most detached parts of culture.

Comment PRIVATE COMPANY (Score 1) 114

Remember that HUR DUR PRIVATE COMPANY nonesense all these retards kept spouting the last ten years every time our privacy was erroded and we moved closer and closer to a privatized version of China's "social credit" system?

YOU WANTED THIS WORLD, now you get to live in it, you hipster bastards.

Comment Everyone is putting their... (Score 5, Informative) 190

...'witty' Trump jokes out there. Notice how nobody is actually discussing merits of the actual action.

The reality is, a space military department is WAY overdue because China and Russia ALREADY HAVE THEM. Simply pretending the world is how we *wish* it was, won't stop their weapons research. Just because we want space to be some magical gravity-free version of the Olympics doesn't mean other countries see it that way.

Neil Degrasse Tyson himself has defended it saying, "Just because it came out of Trump's mouth doesn't automatically make it a crazy thing."


You want something horrifying? Look into China (and Russia's) hypersonic missile projects. Missiles that travel so fast they _cannot_ be intercepted by physical means, and are quote, "starting a new arms race." You think nukes are bad? Imagine a nuke that can fly from China to anywhere in the world "in under an hour" and gives less than "3 minutes for a defense system to detect, identify, and respond."


And that's just the weapon systems we KNOW the world is developing. We also KNOW that since 2007, China and Russia have been deploying "anti-satellite" missile systems.

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