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Comment Oregon State (Score 1) 64

I can see that controversy coming here some day as the cute little robots running around OSU do sometimes rather plug up the sidewalk - I've seen a half a dozen in a clump sometimes, several times a couple of them face-to-face figuring out how to get past each other ;-) They are very popular though, as I always see them (anywhere from 2-8, usually 4ish of them) running around delivering food when I drive through campus.

Comment For many years... (Score 1) 215

Been watching British shows for many years (Doctor Who, Misfits, Shameless), and more recently Australian (Tomorrow People, Spellbinder, Sea Patrol), Columbian (Sempre Bruja), Spanish (Elite), Korean (Cinderella and the Four Knights). Always subtitled non-english shows, as voice dubbing is nearly always really awful.

Comment Not worth it (Score 1) 88

I'm planning on getting a Model Y at the end of Feb when the lease on my Leaf runs out. I was going to get the full self driving add on ($8k on the Model Y), but looked at what you get with it, and I just wouldn't use any of it other than to play with as a toy. Summon, Auto Lane Change and Autopark are cute, but even if they actually work reliably, they aren't really all that useful. The end-to-end navigation is what people think of, but the basic autopilot gets you 90% of that with the active cruise control and Autosteer. But then I actually enjoy driving too.

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