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Comment Full of fail (Score 0, Troll) 233

Sadly, PC gaming is on it's deathbed. Even if this were implemented it would still not save the PC as a platform. The hardware specs do look good but I also don't see them putting together a console from these parts that has all of the stability you would expect from a console. Finally, we already have Xbox Live. How do you compete with that? When it comes to web presence Microsoft nailed it and everyone else has been playing catchup ever since.

Comment Ghost of the Ev1 (Score 1) 599

There is a documentary out there about the EV1 the last attempt at an electric car. Its sad the way it ended. The vehicles were all leased and one day GM collected all of them and destroyed all but one that was put in a museum with it's engine de-activated. There were a lot of people, many celebrities that loved this car. Many were angry after it's passing. The question is what is wrong with the Volt? The Volt is leaps ahead of the EV1 in every way. I personally think it's the lack of charging stations. If there were as many charging stations as gas stations it would be a different story.

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