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Comment Re:I'll wait and see (Score 1) 330

According to Marc Franklin, Nintendo of America's Director of Public Relations, it will not play GameCube games.

Link is down at the moment but this is where I got the news.

Yes, the Wii was based on GameCube architecture so it could theoretically still be possible. The Wii U does not have any GameCube controller ports or memory card slots so they would have to be provided via USB or Bluetooth and associated IO processing would have to performed. It's unknown as to whether or not the slot loading drive on the Wii U will accept the smaller GameCube discs or not.

Not to mention that Nintendo's backwards compatibility usually lasts only one generation. Look at Gameboy/Color games on the Gameboy Advance (gone on the DS) or Gameboy Advance games on the DS (gone on the DSi/3DS)

tl;dr - I wouldn't get your hopes up.

Comment Re:spolier:The sonic screwdriver seems to be gone (Score 1) 332

What I want, nay need to know is whether or not the Doctor destroying Amy's replicant also destroyed his shoes which he got from his ganger. Weren't they made of the flesh too?

How exactly do you trade clothes with a ganger anyway? If all of their clothes are part of them, you couldn't; any more than you could trade feet with them. If all of their clothes are just separate creations produced by the flesh wouldn't they be alive as well? The pile of discarded Jennifers was turning into a pile of dirty jumpsuit laundry with flesh blobs. Would their eyes really be the last thing to go or would it be their clothes?

...and if this alien flesh lifeform is alive and can be pressed into clothes that aren't alive, humanity can use it to replace third world sweat shops making clothes the old fashioned way. I'm thinking something akin to the Torchwood episode Meat.

Of course I wouldn't have to think of such oddities if the episode wasn't such a letdown after last week's decent build-up. I'm not saying it's the Worst Episode Ever but it is my least favorite 11th Doctor episode taking the title away from the previous champion Victory of the iDaleks.

Comment Re:My guess (Score 1) 235

From your results:

"no ur brain is what tells the rest of your body when to feel pain, but it doesn't itself feel pain, because it can't really tell itself to hut, this is y when u had brain trauma you pretty much die, and u can't feel it because that is ur brains job.. get it?? kinda??"

I feel informed.

My brain feels pain reading your sentence. Stop trying to post to /. while driving and wait until you are stopped if you're going to post using your phone.

Comment Re: I think the point here is that... (Score 1) 381

The issue with using Wine is that it's not an emulator, it's a compatibility layer. It passes x86 code from the legacy Windows app to the processor to be executed. It only works if you're running on an x86 system.

There have been projects like Darwine that have incorporated an x86 emulator (in this case QEMU) along with the Wine layer to actually run legacy Windows x86 apps on PPC hardware. This is possible but the result will be very slow due to emulation.

A better method would be to have the OS take care of everything emulating x86 code when needed like Apple's Rosetta because you could use the actual Windows 8 DLLs and pass only the needed x86 code to the emulator. Microsoft has a team doing x86 emulation (or at least virtualization) but it's unknown how portable it would be to ARM. Obviously they have decided that this isn't going to be implemented though, probably due to it being too slow to be useful.

If you want to see how slow an ARM is at emulating x86 code, fire up DOSBox on your smartphone or hacked console. Granted that will also be emulating things like VGA and all but the x86 emulation is the brunt of the work. It's not going to be fast, and it would be a poor experience for most users.

Comment Re:Oh, stuff it. (Score 1) 469

Not at all. If you , or anyone else wants to hack their PS3 great. But downloading someone else's work and applying it to your PS3 is not hacking nor is it knowing how to do so yourself. It's being a script kiddie.

I downloaded and applied Linux to my PS3 back in 2008. That means that... FUCK! It turns out I wasn't hacking at all, I was just being a script kiddie. :(

Comment Re:Unbreakable? (Score 1) 176

Contact third party developers that work closely with Sony like Insomniac Games, Sucker Punch Studios, and Atlus and let them know that because of Sony's terrible practices that you will no longer be able to purchase their products while they are Sony exclusives.

Contact Sony owned studios like Media Molecule and Naughty Dog and let them know that you can't support them anymore.

Contact smaller and indie developers and let them know too. Slam Bolt Scrappers may look cool, but let Fire Hose games know that you can't play it. Indie developers may be the most receptive of the whole situation as a lost sale to them means a lot more.

Starve the PS3 of exclusive games and Sony will hurt quite a bit.

Comment Re:Zelda Wii (Score 1) 98

They did on the DS. Then they did again a few years later. (Warning sites use flash)

Both of those games are pretty good. The first has an idiotic feature of returning you to a central dungeon periodically but it's still a good game. Then again, I happen to think both Majora's Mask and Windwaker are great games, Twilight Princess is mediocre, and Link to the Past is way too overhyped so you may feel differently. I did really like Ocarina of Time and the original Legend of Zelda though.

Comment Re:Hm (Score 2) 224

As always, the solution to a Microsoft problem is in the Knowledge Base:

The Xbox 360 has always had the ability to backup most of your data through the use of proprietary "Memory Units". With the Spring 2010 Update they added the ability to use standard USB devices as well; granted you do have to partition it to a proprietary format and allow half a gig storage loss for 'security' data. They also impose a 16GB limitation per memory device and allow a max of 2 connected at a time. They don't want to cut into the profitable proprietary hard drive market.

Yes, it is cumbersome but it is possible and at least the data isn't tied specifically to the console it was backed up from, which means that you should be able to move your saves to a new system should your old one die.. unlike say the PS3.

Comment Re:Reading between the lines (Score 1) 229

I would suspect that the Wii does not have enough horse power to generate steroscopic 3D (compared to the Playstation).

The Sega Master System was able to generate sterescopic 3D perfectly fine. All of this from a system using a 3.58MHz Z80. I think the Wii is perfectly capable of doing it; horsepower has nothing to do with it. You're going to need glasses to sync with the screen updates (which the Wii could implement somehow...I don't want to give them ideas of more peripherals connected to the Wiimote) and you're going to lose half of your framerate as you're going to be drawing two separate screens (one for each eye) where you would previously only needed one.

Sure it's not going to be as good as the PS3 but that's going to be expected.

Comment Re:Don't Update (Score 1) 163

The worst business decision was removing a feature. You can argue about how ever having Linux on the PS3 was a bad business decision but the point is they did it. Removal of the feature in the redesigned units was acceptable but they removed it from existing units.

Linux on the PS3 allowed Sony to have free publicity news articles every time a supercomputer was mentioned. They may not have made any direct profit on those units but they did get to benefit from economics of scale. Heck, this is a company that reports units sitting on store shelves as part of the installed userbase when telling developers the number of systems sold. It's almost a guarantee that they reported several thousand lab systems as well.

Then there are people like me who purchased a PS3 despite owning a 360 because I could use Linux on it; it taking the place of a Blu-ray player, game system, and a hobby computer in the crowded entertainment center. Sony made money from their 'bad' business decision from me.

I purchased a couple dozen games and several blu-ray discs before March's announcement of firmware 3.30. Since then, my PS3 is no longer a game system. I can't buy new games because they will demand new firmware. I can't even play some of the games I own due to no online support. Sony screwed me and everyone like me who was stupid enough to trust them.

Well no more. Removal of a feature in existing units is betrayal. I have been a Playstation customer since 9/9/1995 and it ended 4/1/2010. I tell people my story when they ask me about buying a game system (which is quite a few actually) and to date, Sony has lost at least 10 sales to Microsoft and Nintendo because of it. Now tell me again what the bad business decision was.

Comment Re:The real question: (Score 1) 135

I've been envisioning a variation of standard first/third person shooter game that would be played with the standard controller but have Kinect support for altering the player's view based on their movements.

Can you imagine leaning to one side to look around a wall? Or ducking to get cover? I think something like this is needed to sell this thing to the gamers. Developers need to accentuate the existing controller interface and not try to replace it with flailing.

I only hope that Microsoft brought Johnny Chung Lee on board with the intension to do such a project. I'd be disappointed if he was just hired to help with Kinect Adventure or something.

Comment Re:bad news... (Score 1) 234

There is no such thing as a Mac Pro G5. All Mac Pros use Intel CPUs and the G5 is a PowerPC chip. You're probably using a G5 PowerMac. That being said...

Adobe Flash was designed initially for use on Microsoft Windows systems running x86 CPUs. Although it has been ported to other platforms and architectures, its performance is still better on Windows than other OSes and magnitudes better on x86 than other CPUs. I've used Flash on a dual 2GHz G5 PowerMac and I can attest that it runs worse than a 1GHz Pentium III.

The iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad/AppleTV all use an ARM CPU, an ARM Cortex A8 to be more specific which is what the Motorola Droid uses, which means that Flash performance on the Apple iOS devices should be comparable to the Droid's. In other words, I wouldn't get your hopes up.

Comment Re:The first planned spam... (Score 1) 397

I remember this. The late 90s HP had this gem of an application that was a virtual fish and every time you printed a job to an HP printer it would give you credits to buy accessories and such for your fish tank. Our network printers saw a sufficient enough surge that we had to ban the application.

Comment Re:Yay! (Score 1) 241

They do have a small size, it's not on the menu though. If you would like to order it, just ask for a 'short' whatever.

Also, Foamy the Squirrel is one of the most unfunny things I have ever been forced by a friend to watch.

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