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Comment Re:Thanks For the Info, Josh! (Score 2) 72

Remember that there are two factions to the "party of small government."

The one faction wants small government that leaves more decisions to state and local governments, lower taxes, etc etc etc. The other faction wants a small government because a dictatorship doesn't need to be large.

Comment Of course it was (Score 4, Funny) 112

Yes, of course it was just blown off course. China would never, ever intentionally send a spy balloon over the United States, and it would definitely never have it linger for hours and hours over military installations, missile silo farms, or other places we wouldn't want people to spy on. No, hell no, China would never ever do that.

Comment Re:Remove Bankruptcy restrictions (Score 1) 404

Tuition started skyrocketing in the 90s when schools discovered that the Federal Government would guarantee loans way larger than the actual cost of attendance. The profitable thing to do was to increase the cost of attendance to that which the government would subsidize loans for.

The Federal Government responded to this by increasing, by a large margin, the amount it would approve loans for, to compensate for the "skyrocketing" cost of attendance.

Rinse. Repeat. The Democrats have a new Boogeyman, and the Republicans have a new "most-favored" cabal of wealthy donors. Everyone wins. Except students.

Comment The end of *unregulated* AirBnB (Score 1) 200

The sky is falling!!!

No wait, AirBnB hosts are simply going to have to follow the same laws as hotels, hostels, and other short-term rental providers in the city.

That means collecting the hotel tax, getting licenses and insurance, and meeting minimum health and safety standards.

Cry me a river.

Comment SBF was not a "chosen" grifter (Score 3, Insightful) 107

SBF must have done something to upset the ruling class, as they apparently rejected his application for admission to the oligarchy. He did everything right. He stole money from the everyman, funneled it upwards into his own pockets, and lied to everyone about it. It's textbook oligarch.

I wonder why they did not accept him. Perhaps he was not making the "right" political contributions or something.

Submission + - SPAM: Can you Critique Dr. Fauci without Criticizing "Science"?

Dostoyevsky writes: It appears as though Dr. Fauci (and others) misled the public about the likely origins of Covid-19.

Scientists appear to have misrepresented their true opinion in the Proximal Origins paper and this paper was wielded against those who posited that a Lab leak was likely, even though Kristian G. Anderson, the lead author, privately wrote:

"The lab escape version of this is so friggin’ likely to have happened because they were already doing this type of work and the molecular data is fully consistent with that scenario text context.

It is my view that the government has to come clean about this (and other scandals). We don't live in a world of only 3 TV networks, where information like this can be controlled.

If the government doesn't come clean, it will have no credibility with large portions of the public and will be unable to govern in future situations that call for trust.


If you were the speech writer for Dr. Fauci (or his successor) and s/he tasked you with writing a speech to come clean about the Lab Leak (etc), with the goal of regaining public trust, what would you write?


If you believe the contrary, write: why “coming clean” is a bad idea.


What prompts would you give AI to answer these questions?

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Comment We've forgotten what is important (Score 1) 302

Jobs are meaningless because life has become meaningless. Instead of trying to live full, enriching lives, we have been herded like cattle into money-making schemes designed to enrich the privileged few.

When you exist solely to make someone else rich, your life becomes meaningless, and along with it, everything you do with it.

Submission + - Federal HQ buildings only used at 25% of capacity (techtarget.com) 1

dcblogs writes: According to federal officials at a U.S. House hearing Thursday, the monumental federal buildings in Washington are largely empty, with some agencies using 25% or less of their headquarters' building capacity on average. The government owns some 511 million of square feet of office space, and capacity problems open the door to the possibility of conversions to housing or commercial uses. Commercial resuse has happened before. In 2013, the General Services Administration leased the Old Post Office Building at 1100 Pennsylvania Ave., to the Trump organization for a hotel. "The taxpayer is quite literally paying to keep the lights on even when no one is home,Rep. Scott Perry (R-Pa.), who chair the infrastructure subcommittee meeting. The blame for the low utilization has several causes: A shift to hybrid work, out-of-date buildings that waste space, and designs before technology reduced the need for certain types of workers. The Republicans want federal workers to return to offices and reduce telecommuting to at least pre-pandemic levels. In February, the House passed H.R. 139, the Stopping Home Office Work's Unproductive Problems Act of 2023 — or the Show Up Act — requiring agencies to revert to 2019 pre-pandemic telework policies. A companion bill, S. 1565, is pending in the Senate. It has six Republican sponsors but no Democrats.

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