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Journal Journal: One more look into the mailbag 21

. . . and then, from time to time, something comes through that makes me laugh so hard my sides hurt.

From: "Willie WheatonisaLoser"
Date: Mon Dec 9, 2002 21:28:38 US/Pacific
Subject: Unbelievable.

cOmE oN nOw, YoU cAn'T bE sErIoUs. YoUr WeBsiTe Is ThE bIgGeSt JoKe, I mEaN wHaT's WiTh ThE dIaRy TyPe EnTrIeS aNd ThE wAcK hOmEmAdE tShIrTs? StAnD bY mE iS a GrEaT mOvIe, AnD tHeRe Is WhErE yOu PeAkEd. YoUr CuRrEnT pRoJeCtS aRe A jOkE, i MeAn ThE hOoTeRs StOrY hAd Me CrAcKiNg Up. YeA yOu "UsEd To Be An AcToR" bEcAuSe WhAt YoU'rE dOiN' nOw IsN't AcTiNg, It'S wIsHiNg ThAt YoU cOuLd Be AnY gOoD aT iT. i MeAn It'S nOt LiKe YoU hAvEn'T bEeN dIsCoVeReD, iT's JuSt ThAt No OnE wAnTs YoU iN tHeIr MoViEs BeCaUsE yOu ArE lAaAaAaAaAaAmE!!!!

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Journal Journal: Let's open up the WWDN mailbag! 61

Since I haven't written in the old /. journal in a few weeks, I thought I'd share with the five of you who read this an email I picked up today.

It's no secret that my political views and philosophies don't match up with the flag-waving "you're with us or against us" crowd.

From time to time, I get an email from one of these folks...and they always end up making an even better case against themselves than I could ever hope to, albeit unintentionally.


I used to like you, but now I don't

Date: Fri, 6 Dec 2002 18:01:47 EST

Hey Wil,

I don't know if you will even read this, or if you do read it, I don't know if you will care, but I am going to write it anyway.

I am a fan of Star Trek TNG, I don't really care much for the original series, but I like TNG a lot.I have been buying each season on DVD every other month, as they are released, starting with season 1.

I always wondered why you left the show, "Wesley" was one of my favorite characters on the show & I always felt that the show was not as good as it was after you left.

Let me get to the point......

It has always fascinated me when celebrities (or washed up celebrities in your case), try to become political experts/role models, I think it is a real joke.

Why is it that you people think that just because you were on TV, that it somehow transforms you into enlightened social/political beings? Just because you were some dork in "Stand By Me" or "genius geek boy" in TNG, means that you are now a political stud that you posess enlightenment over everyone else, for example you stated:

"I believe that if the state of politics in America doesn't piss you off, you either don't care, or you don't understand it. Either way, shame on you"

HOW ARROGANT IS THAT!!! & this political arrogance runs rampant in the celebrity community.

You are basically saying that if I don't agree with you, I am either apathetic or stupid. Seriously though, can you tell me why so many
celebrities are like this, its like a prerequisite for celebrity club membership.

I came up with a possible answer, I think that celebrities feel guilty, they feel guilty because what they do is basically useless, it is not necessity, it is not required for survival. Have you ever stopped and wondered about the amount of resources that are required to make a TV show or a movie, the amount of energy that is spent? If you sit down and just think about it, its mind boggling, I bet that more energy is used to make, promote, manufacturer, distribute & market entertainment than any other industry in the world. ALL THAT ENERGY SPENT ON SOMETHING WE DON'T EVEN NEED!! I think that this makes celebrities feel guilty, so it makes them want to try to save the "Unenlightened idiots" I think that the arrogance part comes form being worshiped, (for some odd reason celebrities are worshiped).

Let me let you in on a little secret, there are a lot of us non-celebrities out there that are not idiots, we have a brain, we are productive hard
working people in society, we have families & we care about our fellow citizens & the state of the world. I am a hardworking American, My wife and I try very hard to provide for our daughter. When I flip on the TV, I look to celebrities for entertainment, to enjoy characters like "Wesley Crusher" If you want to be a political figure, change careers, go to college, get a degree in political science, become a real expert, make it your passion & your life's work. CELEBRITIES ARE NOT EXPERTS ON THE STATE OF THE WORLD, THEY DON'T HAVE ALL OF THE INFORMATION, THAT OUR LEADERS DO. DO YOU THINK THAT OUR PRESIDENT IS GONNA CALL YOU UP FOR ADVICE ON WHAT HE SHOULD DO BECAUSE YOU

You are a great actor, stick to acting! Life for the most part in America is great, It's been great for me & most of the people I know. I certainly think that life in America has been great for you too.

Have a good one,

Eric R. Fodge


Journal Journal: Because I can... 19

You know what rules?

Sitting in my driveway, getting online through my WAP using the airport card in my iBook, and reading Slashdot.

Because I can.


Journal Journal: More Computer Fun 20

Yesterday, I met Chris D for breakfast, joked about Maisy, got to meet his really cool wife and adorable daughter. The plan was to eat, and then head to my house so he could help me with some computer problems I've been having.

After breakfast, I tell him to just follow me there, but he tells me the he only needs the address, because he can input that info into his car, and it will just tell him where to go, like Knight Rider, or something.

Okay, Chris has this car that's like the freakin' Enterprise, man. It's got this integrated GPS system, and I'm pretty sure there are photon torpedoes under the hood, but I didn't get a chance to look. The thing is sleek and black, with tinted windows and leather seats. My little Golf TDI is like Rocketship-XM to his Battle Star Galactica.

We get to my house, and I'm a little embarrassed, to be honest...the technology level in my house is just lame. Most of my stuff is really out of date, and I'm nowhere near the cutting edge. Since I got married, and became responsible for providing for 3 other people, I haven't been able to buy as many toys as I once did.

Anyway, Chris sits down at my desk, and 30 minutes later, my two computers are talking to my WAP and getting online, I'm planning on warchalking my driveway, and everything is right with the world.

It felt odd to me, sitting here with one of the most well-known members of the OS community, while he fixed my lame computer problems. It got me thinking about how the Linux world has welcomed me in so graciously and made me feel so at home, and so many people are asking me to be a spokesman and stuff, and I don't even know how to set up a network printer.

I said that I want to be the world's biggest Linux cheerleader, right?

Damn, I have a long way to go.


Journal Journal: Computers Are Fun 30

Hey this will be cool, I think.

I've been using Mandrake 8.2 for a copuple of months, and I've really enjoyed the experience. Everything has worked beautifully...until recently, when suddenly without warning, my printer got possessed.

It went from printing only the first page of a job followed by a blank page, to printing the whole 'landscape' mode, cutting off the tops and bottoms of the page.

Kinda made it hard for my kids to do their homework on the computer.

I wasn't too worried, though, I'd just upgrade to 9.0.

So I downloaded ISO images, and burned them myself, and prepared to do the upgrade. I was really excited about this, because flying the Enterprise notwithstanding, I am a total techology lamer. If you don't believe me, ask any of my smarter-than-me friends about the panicked late night phone calls.

So I power down, bidding a tearful farewell to my uptime (which would have been 14 days if my wife hadn't decided to turn the machine off "because I couldn't print and it pissed me off" the day before).

I put the 1st Cd in the drive, and literally hop with joy when I get the install screen...I choose "Upgrade" and an hour later, it's done.

Sort of.

See, it can't find my NIC, and I am too much of a lamer to know how to use modprobe, or insmod, or "please tell me how to make this fucking work" or whatever the spiffy command I have this cool pretty looking Mandrake 9.0, which has found my USB devices, which was cool, but still doesn't print correctly, and now won't connect to the Internet.

The original Out Of Towners is on TV, so I decide to do a new install, leaving my /home partition alone, so I don't lose any pr0n^H^H^H^Himportant data. I am certain that this will work. I'll let it do the new install, which will take about 90 minutes, while I watch Jack Lemmon put everyone in New York on his list.

90 minutes later it's done...and it still won't print, and it still won't find the NIC. I decide that if I ever see "modprobe: could not locate module eth0" again, I will most likely kick something.

So a few hours later, my toes really hurt, and I decide to "downgrade" to 8.2, so I can at least get online.

As soon as I get back online, I send a desperate plea to Chris DiBona, who has graciously helped me in the past. He offers many solutions, none of which work, and now I think I've broken a toe.

So fast forward to last night: Chris is coming to LA, and offered to come over and help me fix my computer. He's gonna put Red Hat on it, leaving /home alone (ha! Home Alone! That kills me)

My local LUG is also doing a "Linux for lame asses who don't know how to load modules into their kernels or set their refresh correctly" class this month, so between the two, I hope to not be kicking anything anytime soon.

I feel sort of guilty about looking at Red Hat, because the guys from Mandrake have really welcomed me with open arms, and offered all sorts of help and advice...but nobody seems to know how to solve this problem over there, and I gotta go with what works.

Speaking of what intresting thing happened yesterday...this VAIO that I've had forever which has never booted was going to get XP removed, and Red Hat installed. As soon as I put the CD in the drive, and I'm not making this up, it started up! Like it was saying, "No! No! I'll be good!"

So I have it here, on the other side of a KVM, running Knoppix right now, and I'm seriously thinking about taking XP off, like I'd originally planned, and loading either 9.0 or Red Hat 7.3 on it...I also have Debian ISOs for when I'm feeling particularly flagellant. I know that it's got TONS of RAM and a massive HD, so it should be able to handle WineX without any maybe that's another computer project.

Thinking about all these ISOs I have got me interested in buying a couple of beige boxes, and just hooking up different Linux installs in the house, eventually building a network, so I can play with the various distros and learn and stuff, so I think a trip to Fry's may be in my future... ...but don't tell my wife...she thinks I'm going there to get a new vaccuum.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Idiots 24

Know what I love?

When some loser idiot wastes all his mod points modding me down.


User Journal

Journal Journal: Poison Ivy SUCKS

Man - I take two days off to spend a long weekend getting caught up on house repairs and other projects. What a disaster!

#1 - our poor lab has been on a long chain for about a year. I've got a radio/underground fence but haven't gotten around to installing it. Well I have about 1200' of fence (we have 8 acres) though only about 300' is buried (the rest is under leaves) Well I had hoped to do it before any poison ivy, etc, sprouted and I didnt' see any, but I must have hit a root. Ugh - My left eyelid is covered in it, the back of my ear, my left temple, bridge of my nose, left wrist, and 'elsewhere' OK - What a fun weekend - then it rains! GRRRR

So I try to attack some other projects like replacing our agign water pipes - had truoble getting pipes through the basement walls. SO that went undone - so many projects so little time.

So 2 vacation days plus a weekend and I still didn't get much finished and I'm itching like crazy :) Sigh

User Journal

Journal Journal: Damn time flies!

Wow - pretty sad that my last entry was 9/11 Ugh - So much has happened - the new job is rocking and it isn't so new anymore!

Too much to do - not enough time. Got the family site going with Postnuke - pretty cool ( Now I'm workin to move all my websites (and those of lots of friends, non profits, etc) off our old server (K62-300) to a new 1GHz Athlon - well, its not so new - its been here for almost a year doing only MySQL for the sites on teh K6-2. All along I've meant to move the web sites to teh Athlon - let the K6-2 do email, CVS, etc. Damn I need 100 hour days.

Oh well, figured I'd get a short entry in - I need to post more often (or put a blogge ron my server - yeah like I have time to post every day LOL)

User Journal

Journal Journal: A day of sadness and anger...

They say during tragic events, you can always remember what you were doing when you found out. JFK's assasination, the Challenger explosion, etc. Today is one of those days... I know I will remember - I'm setling into a new job (finally) and was just about to interview someone for another job here. Amazed at how all the major news websites were crushed by the load and how CNN went to a nice simple text format ala 1995 to reduce band - it was refreshing (under tragic circumstances)

The press will sensationalize this of course, but I believe this will be a day where we'll look back and realize 'things changed' The funny part is I don't think anyone knows HOW things will change. We know this will have a huge effect on Americans. But there is no telling HOW they will react beyond the initial outrage and sorrow. What will people call for? How will it effect what WERE the big news items: the faltering economy, missle defense, the balanced budget, etc. There is NO telling. Attacks on America, a declaration fo war on America is not a partisan event. WHile soem zealots on both sides will resond it expected fashion, the effect on everyday Amercians will be based less on political beliefs and more on patriotism. At least that's my hope.

Personally, I think we need to strike hard and fast. All thsoe terrorist cells we track and wish we could prosecute - screw it - flatten them. Countries that continue to stand in the way of apprehendign known terrorists who may have had an indirect involvement - they either shape up or hurt. We'll be called bullies, etc - too bad. For too long we've stood by allowing groups to build their courage and finally pull off the big one. This poster sums it up well. Its time to show all those terrorist groups even thining about doing this - there WILL be consequences, evne if you weren't directly responsible. Maybe next time you think twice. As one slashdot poster said - 'Lets glaze the motherf**kers'

I sit here in an office, in front of a laptop with radio broadcasts streaming in and tons of 'Cannot find server' pages as I try to gather info. I appreciate the way the Internet has allowed us to stay so informed. Kudos to Taco for filling a need (a site that responded) and to JonKatz for a moving writeup but in the end...

I just want to go home and hug my kids.

God Bless America...

User Journal

Journal Journal: 4 days and counting

Well, its official - the dotted line has been signed - I start my new job on Tuesday. Its gonna be a blast. But man is it gonna be strange going back to 9-5 after 'working' at home for 2 years in boxers and old T shirts LOL. But it'll be good to be back in the thick of things. Gotta wear a tie, bt it could be worse!

Its gonna be a challenge. I'm now the Director of IT at Duke University's Pratt School of Engineering. Its a small engineering school, but the new Dean is driving forward to improve the quantity and size of the school. Lots of needs for clusters (imagine a Beowulf.... never mind) and all sorts of other high end IT technology which will be cool. Each department has IT guys but from a school level, its a greenfield and theres a new building in teh works - should be cool. But I'm gonna start out small. Wanna get my hands on a couple 1124's and start deploying some school wide services. Going to be interesting! I'll keep you all posted!

User Journal

Journal Journal: Very cool indeed

So I noticed on they are pushing an add-on called Multi-zilla which allows you to have all your browser views appear in one window and you switch between them using tabs. You can still open up new windows too - and those can have tabs in them too. VERY cool idea and it's all done using Javascript and XUL/RDF, etc. Pretty slick. And so far it seems very stable - install the latest nightly (1.049 right now) on top of 0.9.3 - very cool interface - one I hope gets included by default (since it hangs in teh background unless you specifically create the tabs in a context menu choice or keystroke) Try it out today!
User Journal

Journal Journal: Cooooool!

OK - small things do get me excited - just posted a story and it posted at +3 Bug or feature? I vote for feature! And no someone didn't mod it up after i posted it - when I posted the comment and got the screen showing the comment as submitted it was already at +3 Rock On!
User Journal

Journal Journal: GAME ON!!!!!!

Well, its been a long and shitty year. Bill collectors calling, being sick, no job, you name it.

Well, perhaps my luck is about to change. A job I applied to in November! has finally come through! I finally interviewed in July and they have decided I'm their top choice! I meet the Dean of the school next week and if all goes well, I'll be the next Director of IT there. This was the best job I'd applied for all year but it took them forever to finally get interviews going. Should be lots of fun. Needless to say I'm major psyched - will I make what I did at NORTEL?, doubt it - but it'll be a HECK of a lot more than I'm earning now! The bonus is that working at a University generally means you are encouraged to use Open Source - which will be sweet. Working at NORTEL where they think Bill Gates is some kind of God was a nightmare.

Man - today has made up for a completely shitty year - we'll see what happens. Back to coding..... Yeee HA!

User Journal

Journal Journal: Man - talk about pain....

Well, my life's death spiral continues. Still waiting to hear about my dream job - interviewed a couple weeks ago and they interviewed I think 2 others. Now they have to 'meet' and decide on the top pick who will then meet the big boss before an offer is made. I expect since I haven't heard from them, I'm not the top choice and they are waiting to tell me 'Sorry' until the top choice meets the boss and accepts the offer. Keeps their options open. Oh well. Back to

But I digress. To make things worse, I noticed a blister on my face early last week. Looked like something you'd get after being badly sunburned. Well then they started to spread - neck, shoulder, forehead. Went to doctor - and its shingles. Nasty! But it wasn't really that big a deal. I looked like an alien with these welst all over, but they didn't itch much and didn't hurt (yet) Till I got home - that night the pain kicked in. I'd heard shingles was REALLY painful. I always figured "yeah but it can't be THAT bad" Well, let me tell you - its awful. I've broken bones, sprained ankles so bad I was on crutches for months - cut tendons in my hand, you name it. Nothing compared to this. Its a 'deep' pain along your nerves - feels like someone is pulling your nerves out of your body. I didn't sleep a wink Friday night - the pain was worse when lying down. Had to watch TV all night to try and concentrate on something other than the pain. Needless to say I went back to the doc's Saturdya morning begging for mercy. Nothing like a little narcotic action! I've been popping pills (anti-viral, anti-bitotic, and painkillers) like mad. I feel much better now! Amen for controlled substances!

Its only supposed to happen to older folks, I'm 31 - turns out 1/3 of all shingles cases hit folks under 50 years old. Man I know it may not compare to being shot or cancer, etc. But needless to say - my whole concept of pain changed quickly! All I knwo is if I ever see a blister like that pop up again, I'll be in teh doctors office getting Percocet (sp??) pills in a heartbeat!

Good news is the drugs are doing their thing and this shit's almost gone. But damn! What the hell else is gonna go wrong? :) I tempt Murphy cause he's an asshole :)

Oh well, back to my PHP coding.

User Journal

Journal Journal: I've waited this long....

Well, I've put off starting a journal. K5, and dedicated journal sites have been around, but since I spoend lots of time (too much probably) on /., I guess I'll start mine here now that /code 2.2 is running.

Will this be exciting? Probably not - my life has been pretty average. :) Though this year has been a bitch. So I figure I'll start my journal while at the bottom and see if I can work my way up - shoudl be more exciting or intersting for users to read!

So, lets see... Quit a 6 figure income job to start my own business. Business went bust late 2000. Started looking for work (Senior IT tech/mgmt with experieince in just about anything including Micro$oft clusters, Linux (run my own small ISP), the web (since NCSA days), lots of Perl and PHP experience. Can build a web server from teh ground up in my sleep. VPNs, IDS, you nam eit.

Well, its now going on 9 months with no job :( Sent out hundreds of cover letters. I'm stuck where I am (can't reloacte) due to family issues, but I'm in NC's Research Triangle Park. But everyone is laying off, not hiring.

Things are pretty tight. But I've had some spare time. A buddy and I revived an old Internet classic Keepers of Lists That has been lots of fun. I also developed a Webmin module for Snort that seems to be catching on (More info here

Current projects include a new Snort Rules database allowing user comments, profiles, custom rulesets, user submitte drules, etc. Should be ready in a month or so. A buddy and I are also working on a new Linux doc site which is database driven to allow massive customization for users, grabs docs directly from RPMs/packages. Backend of PostgreSQL will be new - I've only needed MySQL up to now.

So I've kept busy - just ain't makin money doing it!

So stick around - who knows what will happen. But I think I'll enjoy posting it here. I'm a geek at heart and am a total /. addict!


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