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Comment Re:The perfect is the enemy of the good. (Score 2) 331

Of course they should not have an app. Use the goddamned web site! That is what we invented the web for! And we fought long and hard for web standards, so it works on any platform! But everyone wants to throw that away and have native apps for *every* *single* *site*, just so we can have more animations or whatever.

Comment Re:Meh.... (Score 1) 208

I am far from a teenager (31), but while I agree most modern bestsellers are junk, I certainly can't say I appreciate most of the "classics" over 100 years old. There are exceptions sure, like say Don Quixote (the first sally, especially). Genre fiction, and usually not from the (general) bestseller list, is usually the best place to go if you want something good to read.

I like music a number of decades old (as well as bit of new stuff), but
>Same thing if you think classical music is boring.

Really? No. Classical music is pretty much the definition of boring. Sure it can sound nice, and it can be good for going to sleep, or for background music at a fancy restaurant or something. But it is definitely boring.

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