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Comment Re:YAY !! 1952 ALL OVER AGAIN !! (Score 1) 111

It's tough to compete with Hollywood expectations.

Heck, the governor of California was going to go to Mars, kill several bad guys, issue several lines of dry cool wit as he dispatched them and then install an atmosphere on Mars. Where is all that awesome stuff?

What was I saying again? Oh nevermind, did you see what Kim Kardashian was wearing?

Comment Re:Not a tank (Score 1) 232

No way that would stand up to a RPG-7. The typical warhead on a RPG-7 is a HEAT warhead, which focuses the blast through a cone shaped cavity at the end of the explosive material. HEAT warheads typically make short work of homogeneous armor. In fact, states the penetration of the basic RPG-7 round as 260 mm. Over 10 times the thickness of their armor.

Comment Re:Over stated protection. (Score 1) 232

My thoughts exactly. When I looked at the pictures my first thought is that this thing won't stand up to a .50 caliber or 12.7mm, especially multiple hits in the same area. There are just too many variables to the protection such as the weld quality, steel hardness, angle of impact, etc to make the blanket statement that it can resist up to 23mm cannon file. Seems like that, plus the reduced vision, high profile and most likely reduced mobility, would make that vehicle a death trap.

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