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Comment Re:Video games have been doing this for years (Score 1) 599

Indeed. When I first saw the high framerate once it got passed the initial surprise I just thought 'This is the future of movies'. It makes it look almost as realistic as video games, its great. Whenever they panned over any scenery (Which they do a lot) it looks very much like it would in real life. Most movies that do that its uber blurry or just very slow.

Comment Re:Damn... (Score 1) 602

It's all based on self-acceptance. If you can accept who you are and haven't been programmed to find your own behavior as 'odd' or unacceptable then there is no reason you cannot thrive and rejoice in who you are. I can objectively see my behavior as very odd compared to normal, but I also see the extreme advantages I have over others because of it. I would never, ever give it up. It would be like superman curing his extreme kryptonite allergy but having to give up his super powers in the process.

Comment Re:If only more companies acted on their thoughts (Score 1) 768

This is stupid. App store? Who cares. Steam wouldn't start selling games on the Windows 8 app store anyway because, guess what, STEAM IS AN APP STORE. It's their entire business model. From a user stand point for gaming there is absolutely no difference between Windows 7 and Windows 8, except that Windows 8 will perform better. No new games are going to be "metro games" and want to go in the app store anyway unless they're intended to be multi-platform and in that case that just means Steam needs to make a metro app of itself to do game installations with.

Comment Re:So I suppose Obama (Score 1) 805

If the drone strike won't work, he can be imprisoned indefinitely without trial. Considering his war crimes and terroristic actions could we expect any less?

Who the f*ck rated this garbage 'Insightful'?!?!

Whistle-blowing is NOT a terrorist action in any way, shape or form. Information cannot hurt anyone, thus failing to fulfill the fundamental definition of terrorism.

Sure, things and/or people hidden behind 'security by obscurity' can be hurt following information disclosure, as well as being prosecuted if illegalities are revealed, but then they're really not hurt by the disclosure itself but by the stupidities preceding it.

People abusing power to violate laws, like killing innocent people just because they can, fully deserve the punishment they receive as a result of the information disclosure, whether it is through a court of justice or through military retaliation.

You don't understand what sarcasm is, do you? He obviously has not done any war crimes or terroristic actions, why would you think the poster was being serious? ..... or perhaps you're not serious either and this is just meta-sarcasm and I'm failing to pick up on it. OH GOD THE PAIN.

Comment Re:Jerks (Score 2) 259

Actually, "getting involved" is one of california's biggest problems. So much of government money is spent placating the stupid californian people whose lives have absolutely no meaning because they are just worthless individuals. That's left with joining groups where the only thing you have to do is sit there and be annoying outside of grocery stores collecting signatures for a handful of people who like wasting taxes on stupid endeavors like putting those bumpy things outside of grocery stores in NEVER-FREEZES socal so that people will have traction in ice (Also apparently so that people in wheelchairs can't get across them since they apparently are nearly impassable if you're in one)

Comment Re:DRM worked out then.. (Score 2) 464

I haven't bought (or played) an ubisoft game since Assassin's Creed 1... it was right around then that their whole DRM business started going out of control and it just soured my entire opinion of the company. AC1 was good and I've heard the others are better, but I just don't care anymore; Better companies are making better games, I'll play those instead.

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