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Comment When the ice shelf breaks free (Score 1) 60

Take all the high profile climate deniers, fossil fuel execs/lobbyists, and dump them where there used to be ice. First dress them appropriately for a few hours out in the cold on the ice, without of course any cold water gear. Come back to where they were let off in a few hours to pick them up and return the survives to home. Expected rescues: zero.

Maybe that would convince them that human based climate change is real. Maybe not. Either way they would no longer be around to keep fucking things up. Bonus points: include all the Slashdot Pundits who are using this post to say climate change isn't real. They deserve the ride too.

Comment Toxic waste dumpster fire (Score 2) 98

So Google started with "Don't be evil" and look at them now: a for profit world wide surveillance organization.

Reddit is renowned as a pit of the worst trolls, racists, fascists, misogynists, etc. second only to 4chan.

Now breed them together and guess what emerges. The enshittification of the Internet is a GO!!

Comment Re:Like it or Not (Score 2) 557

It's not a bug, it's a feature. A woman having sex and then automatically being guilty of baby killing is perfect for misogynistic right wing Christianity.

Eve was the first slut and every woman thereafter is just as evil. This thinking is built into the system. It's consistent with not allowing women priests, which is true for the majority of christian sects.

So now that the Supreme Court has taken away body autonomy from women, how long will it take for Alabama to remove the rest of their civil rights and make the chattel property?

Comment You try posting derivative work (Score 3, Funny) 64

Consider what happens when fan fiction is posted. Take-downs can happen in milliseconds, accounts are deleted, and individuals banned permanently. This can happen even by mistake or maliciously and there is no recourse.

Now a well funded gang of tech-bro types pillage copywrited work and somehow it's OK. There is one law for the peasants and another for the powerful and connected. This is just one more example of how you have no rights to anything (like your browsing history) and the rich can steal form damn near anyone.

Comment This is not a serious proposal (Score 2) 202

Don't get your knickers in a twist, this is not about education, it's about fundraising.

The three primary sponsors ar all in the Bay Area Caucus, i.e. Silicon Valley. One represents Menlo Park. They are doing this so that when they knock on the doors on the doors of moneybags types in their districts they have a talking point. It's low hanging fruit. If they were in agricultural areas it would be about farming/agribusiness, say in rural California. If it was the South it would be about putting Jesus in the classroom. (BTW, this is one of the next targets of Republicans, the end of church/state separation.)

It's all about how legislation is for sale to the highest bidder. When push comes shove, your vote can be negated by special interests who write big checks.

In the current budget crunch in California this is going nowhere, but it shows how things really work.

Comment How American Capitalism Really Works (Score 3, Insightful) 99

The only thing that matters is that the executive suite, the boards of directors, and the financial pukes on Wall Street are on the fast track to becoming billionaires. Nothing else counts.

They don't pay anywhere near reasonable taxes, they steal from those who work for them when they don't outsource to the even more corrupt, and they are never held accountable even if people die for profit. Every corporation large enough to be listed on the NYSE has made money off of killing someone no matter what business they're in. Often times they don't do it themselves, but they are reaping profits directly from death and destruction.

They scream about what a great job they do while they bribe the government and hire armies of lawyers to hide what they do and how they do it. And it's getting worse. The Supreme Court is about to gut regulation and render agencies like the EPA and OHSA out of business so they don't even have to pretend that maiming or killing workers is wrong. Child labor in dangerous conditions is on the rise at the same time the federal budget for enforcement is being cut by 30%.

The morons who suggested that shooting up bleach would cure COVID are in charge and we are all completely screwed. Airplanes falling out of the sky because of missing bolts is the least of our problems.

Comment It's actually a good thing. (Score 1) 56

Dumbass companies that create internet connected crap should be kicked to the curb, and if cyber-criminals do it so much the better. I'm happy they suffered monetary damages for making spyware toothbrushes. The internet connection had nothing to do with "helping" their customers, it was all about monetizing them and selling the information they gathered. Now that the proof-of-concept attack has worked I sincerely look forward to a lot of sleazy corporate scumsuckers getting the same treatment. It's all they deserve.

Comment Re:Such crafty language (Score 0) 115

AT&T once submitted a 2500 page terms of service agreement to the California utility regulation board. It was rejected because the law specifically said that the terms of service had to be understandable by the average consumer. That didn't strop them from trying because they are scum sucking pigs.

Comment Re:Uptime? (Score 1) 115

Before I finally gave up and had my POTS land line removed, there was a multi-day emergency and I lost electricity and gas, and my old school land line worked. Other people I knew had their services repaired well before mine were restored and it was very odd to talk to then on the phone when I was still cold in the dark with only candles for light and they were up and running.

That's why I kept my old land line for many years after until the cost of keeping the original copper just became too much.

Comment Science publications are a scam too (Score 1) 32

At one point science journals where run by schools, but then economic pressure lead to them being outsourced to specialized publishers. Having unpaid reviewers to evaluate papers goes back to the era before journals were stand alone businesses.

Over time it became a racket. Due to the "publish or perish" nature of academic life, publishers realized they could charge outrageous fees for access to their content. The authors have to provide to content for free, the reviews and much of the editorial work is done for free, and the publishers are gatekeepers who rake in profit by trading on the self perpetuating reputations of prestigious journals.

Given that level of pure grift, is it any surprise that the publishing ecosystem is being overwhelmed by shady individuals who are motivated by trying to get ahead without doing the work? When the system is already corrupt why should anyone play by the rules?

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