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Comment Re:iPad vs. all Android tablets (Score 1) 584

The fact that Siri is a service simply proves that it's an OS feature that's disabled on all models other than the 4S (sort of like how carriers disable tethering unless you pay extra, despite the device being perfectly capable of it without paying extra). Last time I checked the iPhone4 had a microphone, and last time I checked that's what Siri uses.
Just saying.


Submission + - First AMD 16-core Opteron chips arrive (

angry tapir writes: "After a brief delay and more than a year of chatter, Advanced Micro Devices has announced the availability of its first 16-core Opteron server chips, which pack the largest number of cores available on x86 chips today. The new Opteron 6200 chips, code-named Interlagos, are 25 per cent to 30 per cent faster than their predecessors, the 12-core Opteron 6100 chips, according to AMD."

Comment Re:could = will? (Score 1) 258

Wait, I'm hoping that? Wait, I'm not on a Linux desktop (at this very moment, anyway.) Wait, I optionally installed it on this computer... and it wasn't packaged with Windows, "you actually bought that DVD you burned it to!?" is how this message comes across to me. Also, yes, I am running steam Right now and should be playing Skyrim instead of replying to you.

Comment Re:Change cannot be stopped (Score 1) 318

Agreed, would one expect people who already own whatever it is you copyrighted and "locked away" to just toss it in a fire? People bought it, you can stop illegal distribution, but not legal distribution (like used copies.) You shouldn't have the right to take away something that you've given to people, it's theirs now. Period.
With that being said, why not just have a public announcement saying "hey guys, I'd appreciate it if you'd stop circulating [whatever], simply because I've had a change of heart." Another option would be to allow a refunding of returned products, but after all that money you made I doubt you'd want to do that. Simply put, think before you release.

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