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Comment Re: Another day... (Score 1) 35


The history of the automobile is not so easily defined. with examples of self-propelled steam powered vehicles dating as far back as far as Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot invention of a military tractor in 1769.

The first true automobile is credited to Karl Friedrich Benz in 1885. It was a gasoline automobile powered by an internal combustion engine: three wheeled, four cycle, engine and chassis forming a single unit.
So Germany gets the golden ring on that one.

Henry Ford brought the car to the masses from the invention of the assembly line. Prior to that all cars were hand assembled by artisans.

And many were absolutely gorgeous, if a bit bizarre looking to the modern eye.


Comment Re:Duh. (Score 1) 40

The new Facebook, no static photos for your avatar, no, just a live stream from your home to the world for everyone, all day, all night! Join Big Zucks campaign to bring 1984's telescreens to life! Your life will be so much more amusing logging into your friends and families accounts to see them:
Stumble around drunk in their underwear.
Set fire to their kitchen during holiday meal preparation.
Beat their wives and children.
Commit felonies in their very own front room!
And all recorded by the FBI (FaceBook Investigation division).

Imagine the fun of watching people you don't really know fight, do drugs, get stinking drunk, masturbate or kill their families and all LIVE!

The new era can be yours through Facebook,. Soon to partner with Amazons cock ring for even more coverage!

Uh, ummm. This is supposed to be sarcasm, why does it sound prescient?

Comment Re:And now? (Score 4, Informative) 77

I've never played Fortnite but clicked on the twitch link in the summery. The home page is the same, so apparently no, you can not play. The meteor strike ended the entire game. For now.

It said 112,000 people were staring at a screen of a black hole.
That's literally all there is on both the Twitch and home page. The only difference the home page said 108,000 people.
A small black circle surrounded by an event horizon.

A Forbes article said they've done similar things in the past.
It's Forbes, so they hate your ad-blocker, but I'll post the link anyway as it was a short but interesting read for someone outside of the Fortnite ecosystem.


And here's the Fortnite homepage.


Comment Re:China's Tencent's Epic Games... (Score 1) 105

He wouldn't be the first owner/CEO forced out by his board. Thinking of Papa Johns or Apple. I don't know the details of those two, I don't dwell much on corporate politics as they are even weirder* than contemporary politics. So there are likely many things I don't know about how and why they were removed that may not apply here.

*well, it USED to be anyway....

Comment Re:China's Tencent's Epic Games... (Score 1) 105

It's easy to say we won't cave. But the true test is when your 40% owner demands you do.

"CEO stands ground and loses $xxx millions of dollars for company" is not a headline shareholders and board members are likely to appreciate.
It does however sound like the sort of thing to make him too toxic to ever hold a CEO position again. Money before ethics.

Comment Is it too early to Godwin the thread? (Score -1, Flamebait) 191

If it is, I'm sorta, kinda, not really sorry.
This is some heavy Authoritarian Bullshit.

Seriously, ol' Uncle Adolf would of loved the modern world and would of hired Barr in a heartbeat to lead the Ministerium fur Staatssicherheit.

Barr's theme song.....

Imagine there's no future,
It's easy if you try

Hell right here now,
Above us only spies,

Imagine all the people
Spied on today (ah ah ah)

Imagine there's no countries
Only MAGA worldwide,
Ordered to kill or die for
only Christians, too

Imagine all the people
Living in our database,

You may say that I'm a Nazi,
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
or we'll arrest you one by one

Imagine no possessions
We'll take them all.
No need, you'll be jailed,
With the Stasi in control.....

Imagine all the people
As enemies of the state.

You may say that I'm a Nazi
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
and jail brown people around the world.

I'm going to hell for blaspheming John Lennons song.
I'm so sorry but I couldn't resist. (oddly enough, I think he may of approved...)

Comment Re:Wo determines the "truth"? (Score 1) 91

Sigh, if only we had centuries instead of decades. But even if we did we would wait until the water was lapping at our feet before doing anything about it and screaming why didn't anyone warn us!

Jakarta is planning to move inland at an estimated cost of $33 billion.
People are moving out of the Florida keys.
Miami is raising roads and running out of sand for their beaches.
Donald Trump wants to build a seawall around his Irish golf course to combat the liberal hoax of rising sea levels.
Seattle is trying to figure out how to mitigate the effects as there is nowhere to move to due to the Cascade mountain range.
And on and on the list goes....

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