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Comment Re:Just buy an iPhone Mini (Score 1) 167

Lots of fucked up countries around then (
To mention some, Canada, the majority of US states, and many European countries allow 1-party consent call recording, for personal and legal uses only. It's like that in my fucked up country too.
And in my country as well that applies only to call conversations, not video, where it's easy to include a third party in the "conversation", which of course is a privacy violation, let alone post it on the internet.

Comment Re:Just buy an iPhone Mini (Score 5, Informative) 167

There are more advantages on Android, I'd like to add my 2 cents here.
On iPhone there are no call recording apps, on Android there are, and they're essential apps for me.
In my country they're perfectly legal as long as you are a part in the conversation. My recorded calls already saved me of some serious trouble, including one where I was risking lose a property which I bought with all of my lifetime savings at the time. Long story.
Sure, Google never fails in being a d1ck and is blocking them soon on Play Store, but you can still sideload.
Another, sure, is P2 connector. Specially important if you hate anything Bluetooth like me. The few things that works are much more expensive than their wired counterpart. I have a $15 wired phone that sounds better than my $150 BT phone.
Speaking of money, any peripheral for iPhone cost much more than their Android counterpart. Some stuff necessarily are for iPhone and for iPhone only. But in Android some stuff just works sometimes out of the box (if it plugs it works), at most some need a cheap, generic adapter, like input (mouse/keyboard/joystick for PC), storage (thumbdrives, external HD), even video output (HDMI).
Not to mention the cost of an iPhone itself, at least in my country they cost 3x to 5x more than an Android phone with similar or even better specs.

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