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Comment Re:Biofuels are the future. (Score 3, Funny) 139

Plants are the most efficient at collecting solar energy.

I would expect in the future some kind of battery cells which directly interface with a massive array of plant-emulating light absorbing complexes which produce a voltage from sunlight.

Though in the Wikipedia I see (see 'photosynthesis') that this process converts light into energy with an efficiency of 3-6%, while solar panels have 6-20%, I believe that it might reach a point where mass production of hybrid organo-metallic devices can be achieved

At the end we will have plants at home which instead of producing sugars, will have an electric plug. They part in the plant where electricity is produced will be called iPod.

Comment Re:Apparently NASA does not obey the laws of physi (Score 1) 118

Perhaps you need to go back and study some more physics.

(preferrably this time using the metric, international-except-some-countries-dontaskmewhy, system) .

In earth gravity of 32ft/s^2

, or equivalently 23.123 elbows/alittlewhiles^2.

I really appreciated when you translated the 64ft/s to 43mph, it really makes it much more intuitive for the rest of the world.

Please don't be offended

Comment new proposal (Score 1) 249

A give a new proposal (not new, see BadAnalogyGuy above):

Regard the building of new internet highways exactly as that of new real highways. Private firms build them, profit from them for some years, then it becomes public property under the ruling of the state. After that you only need to be lucky and have a government which is not inclined towards cutting highways and roads and removing driving licenses for nonsensical reasons from the drivers.

Comment The wife test! (Score 0, Troll) 438

Damn it, now I'm 100% sure (no more doubts) that there is absolutely no woman reading slashdot. I would say more, I can conclude with several points:

1) no woman reading slashdot (I'm male, but still, it is veeery long ago that I didn't hear something so reactionary...haha..."the wife test"...incredible)

2a) how old are you guys? 16? are you still fixed in the penis age?


2b) you are older and married, but you see your wife doing her things and you can only imagine that she comes from another planet. You cannot understand why she would never have one amplifier per room, or everything full of computers (with command-line linux, of course). I.e. you married someone you have nothing in common with.

3) this situation is so amazingly common and extended, that none of you even detect anything strange in the sentence "the wife test"!! my god..

PS: Just for fun, in gypsy language (at least in spanish gypsies) there is something called "the handkerchief test". It is done when a young gypsy girl is to married to a gypsy guy, and consists in the elder women going with the girl to a room, opening her legs, and sticking the handkerchief into her pussy. If it gets bled, she's virgin. Otherwise she's a "used product" and cannot get married.

Comment Re:what exactly did they detect? (Score 2, Informative) 169 could also mean the direct conversion of electrons to energy by some other unexplained means.

then for that energy we would need 2 electrons, not one.

Either way, it would be a hell of a discovery, potentially leading to matter-to-energy conversion power generation. To hell with fusion power, this is better!

well isn't fusion a way of matter-to-energy conversion power generator?

Comment Re:how many scientists are enough? (Score 1) 551

My god!!! Insightful.... Precisely that is the fallacy behind all the angle-saxon countries' error in scientific resource distribution: few scientists, many resources. The result is astounding experiments, published in Nature, while european scientists (less money, more people) develop science on which to build upon. Science is developed best when there is a huge amount of scientists researching many different fronts, since you can never foresee from which line progress and insight will come. Einstein would have never done any shit without several experiments and scientists (michelson-morley, maxwell, riemann..............)

Comment Re:Scientific? (Score 1) 536

Typically, the extrapolation-belief of the director-of-the-best-institutionon-genetics-in-all-Germany is the best extrapolation-belief you can get, and is quite often in the right direction. Please make a distinction between "opinions"!

Comment the article itself, and available (Score 5, Insightful) 249

I post the paper itself (not the abstract whose text cannot be accessed, not a derivative article in a divulgative magazine) arXiv:0907.0956 I know nobody is interested, because after so many posts no one had the urge. But anyway..

Why not link directly to arXiv in all scientific posts? Maybe a divulgative link AND a link to the paper in the arXiv. I am crazy?

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