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Comment Utter Fail (Score 1) 122

"One step closer to Star Wars holograms" ... pshaw.

Where are the vertical distortion lines?! (sigh) ... OK, here is how you can make up for the utter fail:

1. ADD the vertical distortion lines
2. As the surface begins to spin up, add a stall complete with Millennium Falcon stall sounds, then, when it reaches full speed add a Wookie roar.
3. Send me one ... for free (holds breath)

Comment Re:A map of Candyland is nice, (Score 1) 68

:D Like many thing on the net, we typically only respond with blinders on to a directed topic/question. The items you mentioned are definitely must-haves - but that's what I meant by a "bug out bag". As to survival in the environment: I have desert, cold weather, and ocean survival training.

My point was in jest to highlight that, often, the simple things (such as paper towels) are left out.

About the gun:
I can't say for sure that you haven't been in a life threatening situation with armed people - but I have (three times). You may be comfortable with rolling the dice and placing your life in the hands of others - but I am not. This is not a I'm right you are wrong statement - but one that highlights the adage: I'd rather have a gun and not need it than need a gun and not have it. I've seen a very ugly side of people and I will always hope for the best in our encounters but plan for the worst.

Comment A map of Candyland is nice, (Score 1) 68

gives you high-level general knowledge, and it might even teach you something useful, but do more research and besides the standard bug-out-bags, water and stuff - - consider:

- Paper towels
- Boots that shit washes off easily from
- Rags and more paper towels
- Alcohol (the rubbing and drinking kinds)
- Firearm (I know ... but were you in Katrina after the floods. and if you were, were you in the neighborhoods I was in? Hunger can be a deadly force)
- Paper towels
- Cash (cash and more cash, and make it look like you only had a little while you safely keep the rest hidden)
- Jewelery (put some on, fake or low cost - expect it to be taken - but have something they can take or they'll think you're hiding more - which you should be)
- Did I mention paper towels and rubbing alcohol?

Comment A Victory ... provoking thought (Score 1) 284

Very cool - given the lack of gravity. Definitely a technological win - should lead to other technological advancements. However, with all the "debris" (like micro or larger meteorites) in the solar system (not to mention the outside of our solar system), is this hope for long distance space travel actually practical? Solar sails seem really fragile.

Comment Interesting but ... (Score 1) 169

what else can they monitor?

I think we always receive a "vertical" look at the benefits (I.e., monitor blood pressure, heart rate, etc), and these are good in combat. Along with IPv6 addresses on just about all "elements" on a soldier (I.e., smart gear, location equipment, gps, etc), this adds another element of real-time combat monitoring and has a huge potential to monitor/save lives.

But, are we being told everything they can glean with these wondrous new underpants?

Comment Yay! One step closer to Overmind! (Score 4, Funny) 77

Overlord1: These brutish simple beings have finally yielded some light at the end of the tunnel.
Overlord2: Yes, but it will still be a few centuries to perfect, sell, and drive adoption before we can flip the switch and merge them into Overmind.
Overlord1: Ok - when can I see the Microsoft Project Plan?

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