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Comment Re:Translation: Let's FORCE it on them! (Score 1, Informative) 324

You forgot the part where they vehemently oppose any real solutions, instead insisting that we live in a magical land where everyone rides bicycles everywhere and eats 100% locally commune-grown food.

Can't build nuclear because nuclear power = nuclear bombs.
Can't build desalination plants because some worthless mutant breed of fish might somehow kill themselves on it.
Can't build wind farms because equally worthless birds might fly into them.

So fuck those obstructionist idiots. They are against any technological solution to problems. Which is, no doubt, the result of wasting their life studying sociology or gender theory or whatever other circlejerking shit that places postmodern Marxist theory as the centerpiece of the curriculum.

Now, if you will excuse me, I'm going to go burn a pile of tires with spent motor oil just to spite them.

Comment Re:Graphic design geniuses too (Score 2) 360

Luckily though, they have a history of completing quality software to back up such an attitude. That's way better then the countless shitty projects with websites that push the very limits of jQuery and have beautiful CSS, but are only half-functional at best and riddled with security holes and have an obnoxious focus on spreading the word via facebook and a dozen other social sites.

Comment Re:Good. (Score 2) 182

The fact that the founder left Github tells me he and/or his wife did, in fact, harass Horvath. He was likely told by the legal department that he doesn't have a leg to stand on if shit hit the fan, and if I was Horvath I would be seriously considering suing. TFA says the investigator found no signs of legal wrongdoing, but I wouldn't be surprised if the investigator was blowing smoke. The fact that the founder's not receiving a more severe punishment is a big problem to me.

Lawyers aren't just to argue in court, they also are there to tell you when a case is going to cost you huge amounts of money, and investors really hate that, and advise you which of those battles need to be fought. The only thing his `resignation' says is that he wasn't valuable enough to fight for.

Comment Re:wife at the office (Score 1) 182

Are you implying that the term itself has no meaning, because I can promise you that it does. Perhaps you are rejecting the notion of meritocracy instead? Well then you're just an idiot and should go complain about it on Tumblr. Or maybe you are claiming that Silicon Valley is not a meritocracy, in which case your comment is pointless, because the actual state of reality does not mean that something cannot be striven for.

Comment Re:Breaking bad (Score 1) 358

Don't worry, the utterly worthless louts in the Humanities do this every once in a while. For instance, back in the nineties they published tonnes of garbage noting that E=mc^2 was a `sexed equation' or how various scientific theories were part of the patriarchy. They see have degrees in tinewasting and circlejerking subjects like Sociology and fancy themselves fit to comment on any of the real sciences (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Science_wars for more info). They usually end up crushed under the inanity of their own drivel though.

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