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Comment Re:None... (Score 1) 896

In general terms, used properly, a Windows system running without an antivirus package is adequately secure.

The problem is that Windows users tend to have terrible security hygiene. They turn security features off, never update, and click the dancing bunnies. That's a separate, social issue. Never try to apply a technical solution to a social problem.

I agree with your overall point, but this argument doesn't hold much weight. If people are going to click it anyway, why not provide them with some sort of protection, even if it's not perfect?

It's like saying, in an uppity British lord accent, "Condoms? I have no need for the finickity things, and nor should anyone, poor or not! After all, I stay clean! Why aren't the rest of you as clean as me? Buck up I say, tally ho, pip pip".

Comment QC (Score 5, Insightful) 246

"There's no quality control being offered, either — they're simply the '12 most widely-used web browsers that run on Windows 7,' based on usage share in the European Economic Area." .. just like there's no quality control for presidents and prime ministers I suppose, except the fact that they are the most widely-voted politicians in a given area .. draw your own conclusions as to whether it works, or more importantly if there is a better option.

Comment Re:Must be a slow news day... (Score 0) 683

Well yes, but the colour change was obviously made for people who are not currently Linux users, not those who are already converted. And if that serves to help convert more people to the goodness of linux, then I'm all for it - regardless of if I myself choose to change the default theme or not.

Comment Re:Ten years from now - "WoW killed Blizzard" (Score 1) 397

I'm not sure that it makes any sense to 'hit' a new game within two years of something as big as WoW. It just doesn't make sense to steal profits from yourself and your own investment by starting a new project (that will likely appeal to some or most of the same target audience) while an existing product is selling so well. This is particularly true in the subscription model that WoW uses, where customers continue to pay over time - very different to the one-off income model of earlier games. For another example, look at Nintendo Wii. Nintendo didn't bother coming out with new colours, new advancements, or even new marketing as sales remained consistently dominant worldwide for years after release. Save the new products and gimmicks for when things start to slide - it makes far more business sense.

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