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Comment Re:If people would fight their tickets... (Score 1) 286

Great idea. But fighting a ticket takes time, and the time it takes is usually going to interfere with work hours. Add in the fact that it could take a full day due to waiting your turn with the judge or bailiff or whoever. So, do I take time off work and take the chance that a ticket will be tossed out or pay the fine? It comes down to a financial decision for most people.

Comment Re:Age and the constitution (Score 1) 934

Protected by, yes. Full access to all constitutional rights, no. Despite how US constitutional arguments are often presented, there are actually quite a few limits placed on things guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States of America. The classic example is that it is illegal to falsley and intentionally yell "Fire" in a movie theater, which is a limit on freedom of free speech, a right guaranteed by the constitution. At some point it became established in US law that 18 years of life makes you an adult who is entitled to a number of things. This is an application of that principle.

Comment Re:Nature is amazing (Score 1) 213

I find that when faced with something like this, people almost invariably see what they bring into it, as evidenced by some of the comments. If you expect evolution, you see evolution. If you expect a designer, you see a designer. These kind of things don't persuade me either way, but I do find it to be *really* cool regardless of how it came about.

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