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Comment Re:Vs. Mootools? (Score 2, Insightful) 154

No mention of jQuery versus other similar JS libraries? My company is considering switching from mootools to jQuery for new projects, but the only significant benefit I see is better documentation. So how does it stack up against the competition?

I've used jQuery, Mootools and Prototype/Scriptaculous extensively and I have to say jQuery is my favourite. I can't really compare to extjs since I haven't used it.

You're right, the documentation is much much better than the others that I've used. That alone IMO is a reason to use it.

Two more reasons:

  • I find that with jQuery you tend to write less code than you do with Mootools or Prototype because of the jQuery object and selectors.
  • I find you can do client-side processing more easily. I've been working on is a web app that let's you filter through a large amount of data. I've started to attach things to pieces of data using hidden divs and/or classes, and then with jQuery use selectors to apply filters instead of having to make requests back to the server and get SQL to filter them. Takes a huge load off of your databases. You can do this with the other JS libraries, it's just very elegant with jQuery selectors: $(".user .male").hide() will filter out any male users from the list.

There are reasons not to use it too. It is higher level, so if you're old school and want to do things the old school way, then you'll probably have to fight a bit with jQuery to do it. When I first tried jQuery I hated it because it wouldn't let me do things the way I always had. However after you get used to it, I think it is an investment well made.


How To Help Our Public Schools With Technology? 378

armorer writes "I'm a programmer engaged to an inner-city public school teacher. I've been thinking for a long time now about what I can do to help close the technology gap, and I finally did something (very small) about it. I convinced my company to give me a few old computers they were replacing, refurbished them, installed Edubuntu on them, and donated them to her classroom. I also took some vacation time to go in, install everything, and give a lesson on computers to the kids. It was a great experience, but now I know first-hand how little technology these schools have. I only helped one classroom. The school needs more. (Really the whole district needs more!) And while I want to help them, I don't really know how. With Thanksgiving a week away and more holidays approaching, I suspect I'm not the only one thinking about this sort of thing. I know it's a hard problem, so I'm not looking for any silver bullets. What do Slashdot readers do? What should I be doing so that I'm more effective? How do you find resources and time to give back?"

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