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Comment Re:HD 4000 (Score 1) 200

It'd probably cost Intel more to make a separate production line that fabs chips without onboard video, they wouldn't even be able to sell them cheaper than regular CPUs. And if you're not using it the onboard graphics capabilities, it's not drawing any extra power, so no improvement there either.

Comment Re:HD 4000 (Score 2) 200

My current CPU is a Conroe architecture Core 2 duo E6700. I'm building an new PC with an Ivy Bridge i7 CPU in a couple months, and it'll definitely offer that kind of performance increase. Successive generations of latest and greatest have always offered marginal improvements at best, but it accumulates once you skip a generation or four.

Comment Ideas as badges (Score 2) 1128

For most of our species' history, the only use of our ideas was as badges of allegiance, since there was no way we knew of to use them on the outside world. "Conservatives" are just stuck in pre-history in the sense that they're refusing to use ideas as anything more than an indicator of allegiance.

Comment Re:why ? (Score 1) 214

People who get the death sentence have a very serious debt to society. Let's ignore for the moment whether or not you agree with what people in China get the death sentence for, or the death sentence in general. Even if you don't like it, you can not deny the reality.

The reality is, the death penalty is plain WRONG, and making it desirable or profitable in any shape or form is unethical at best.

Comment Re:Man whose job relies on the scientific method.. (Score 0) 743

Should they fire the rest of us for every tin foil consiracy theory we believe?

If you announce it clearly, yes. You should also lose all social benefits and be shunned from your circle of (rational) acquaintances and relatives. We, as a species, seriously need to weed out the nutjobs.

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