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Arma III Developers Arrested In Greece For 'Spying' 162

An anonymous reader writes "Kotaku reports that two employees of Bohemia Interactive have been arrested while on a photo-tour of the Greek island of Limnos, on charges of spying. The developers were taking reference photos for the upcoming military simulation game Arma III, which is to feature Limnos as it's primary setting, when they were arrested (Google translation of Greek original)."

Comment Re:Model M (Score 2, Insightful) 341

> Old keyboards even have a full size spacebar instead of those almost useless Microsoft mandated keys.

They're not useless! They're the meta keys. Just stick a penguin sticker on them, use them for shortcuts and voila, over 26 convenient new shortcut possibilities!

Comment Re:Doesn't matter in the end (Score 1) 472

Documenting code is useless, documenting code means something like this:

int i = 5; //Declare an integer called "i" and set its value to 5

I agree with the grandparent post that comments in the code with references to papers, the "why" or something, the design decisions, bug fix references, etc... is very useful.


Nokia Apologizes For Misleading Lumia 920 Ad 233

hypnosec writes "During Nokia's press event for the launch of its flagship Windows Phone 8 smartphone — the Lumia 920 — the Finnish company made available some promotional materials wherein there was a video showcasing PureView's main feature: optical image stabilization (OIS) but, it turns out these ads were faked following which Nokia has issued an official apology. In the video was 'a reflection that revealed the footage wasn't shot on a Lumia 920, but a regular camera inside a white van.' If we go to 0:27 of the video, a reflection of a white van keeping pace with the girl is seen whereby a person is holding a DSLR camera. Fast forward to 0:48 of the video and you will clearly see the shadow of a DSLR hooked to the swing. In its apology through a blog post Nokia confirms that the video 'was not shot with a Lumia 920.'"

Comment Re:Careful tiger, (Score 1) 71

Is this ever going to be used, and is this going to speed up people going to Mars?

I think that, if they NASA et al really wanted to go to Mars and actually do a mission, they'd have developed a proper space suit to match the mission pretty fast. They also managed to do everything for the Moon mission in the 60's, so ...

Comment Re:4k Monitor (Score 2) 137

Seriously, that is insightful? My desk is fine, I just like to put a lot of stuff on it. It has two desktop computers, both with a monitor. Also, a 27" monitor would be so wide that at the close distance I'm sitting from it it'd make no sense. I do think that makers of consumer electronics should adapt to the furniture of the consumers, not vice-versa.

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