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Comment Re:In other words... (Score 1) 314

Why would someone which we were unique?! That would be a horrible waste of space then, this universe & all. This need of some people to have a maker... I've never understood it and I'll never will, it defies logic. Let's not discuss this further, I don't want to start a holy, err, flame war here ;)

Comment Re:In other words... (Score 1) 314

Why do I get the feeling you're one of them Christians? Why must we always assume that if there is intelligent life out there that it would inevitably come visit us? The sheer size of the universe boggles our minds, who knows, maybe FTL travel really is impossible.

Comment Re:No. (Score 3, Informative) 544

I'm not saying I agree with the mall owner, but that according to the law, he can and has the right to ask you to leave. That's the only right he has. I'm clarifying this solely to inform people of their rights, if you are ever caught in this situation, they do not have the right to confiscate your camera nor can they demand you delete your pictures.

Comment Re:No. (Score 5, Informative) 544

Actually, reality is a little bit more complex, the owner of the mall is within his rights to forbid the use of camera's within it's confines. However, that has to be clearly marked and the only thing he can legally do is ask you to leave the premises if you do take pictures. He does not have the right to delete your pictures nor to confiscate your device.

Comment Re:In Other Words (Score 1) 219

Yup, add to that that Belgium is pretty much 2 countries rolled into one chained together even more where one is economically sound and another is a train wreck, but due to the chained nature the train wreck is inhibiting the sound part of the country to stay sound (the minority in this country has veto rights on all levels, not just federal).... It's an ugly mess :(

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