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Comment Re: Good. (Score 1) 699

Again with the hyperbole.. It's not everyone. It's not even remotely close to everyone. And for the third time now I'm not against vaccinations - I've had them and will have my children have them. That's not the point. Please learn to read and stop regurgitating rote-taught indoctrination k thx.

Comment Re: Good. (Score 1) 699

Everybody? Hyperbole much? Since when do infants + immunodeficient people == everybody? I imagine that'll be the net end result once you're done removing natural selection from the evolutionary process though. But that's another topic really. Why is it so hard for you to read? It really speaks volumes about your mindless nature when you instantly strawman any argument on the topic in to being 'you are completely against vaccinations! omg /you're one of them/!' - For the second time, I've had my shots, the important ones. I wouldn't stop my children from having them either. But I do believe no external party has a right to dictate what I let bypass by body's natural filters and enter my blood stream. And you *are* a fucking idiot if you think that's unreasonable. You deserve the police state you're trying to bring in to being. You want to hand over all rights to your own physical being then go right ahead, I won't stop you. I'll stand here alive, healthy, and sentient pitying you. Oh yes, I have empathy. And right now it's screaming to think of the world you're trying to bring in to existence. The world where you have no rights *at all*, where you're a property of the state for the state to do with what they wish. Do you honestly want that? Can you really say that you're not a government shill and still want that?

Comment Re: Good. (Score 0, Flamebait) 699

Why should you or anyone who's had their vaccinations care what I do with my own fucking body? It's not your right to decide nor is it the court's or the government's. SPECIALLY when you've had your vaccinations and can't catch it if they work, right? right? How dare you presume to have any say at all in the matter. Seriously. You and people like you are a disease. I wish there was a vaccination for /that/.

Comment Re:Good. (Score -1) 699

Exactly. Having a government department decide that you are to be forced to have a corporation-manufactured product injected into your body is orders of magnitude more dangerous than either any potential side effect from the vaccination on the individual or the danger to the community from the individual not being vaccinated. I can't understand why both the pro-vaccination group and a lot of the anti-vaccination group fail to see this argument. Would I get vaccinated or let my children be vaccinated? If the threat was real enough, yes. But would I let a government make that decision for me/them? Hell no. I'd start killing people long before submitting to that tyranny.

Submission + - Linode hacked, CCs and passwords leaked 6

An anonymous reader writes: On Friday Linode announced a precautionary password reset due to an attack despite claiming that they were not compromised. The attacker has claimed otherwise, claiming to have obtained card numbers and password hashes. Password hashes, source code fragments and directory listings have been released as proof. Linode has yet to comment on or deny these claims.

Comment Re:What's the First Amendment? (Score 1) 230

Basically, this law will be used against people the Powers That Be consider either a threat, or weak enough to serve as good examples of what happens to those who fight the system. Along with a few actual malicious hackers.

And everyone who visits my site for any reason without donating $5 via the paypal button I place on it after every single page load as indicated in my ToS.

Comment Re:Let's kowtow! (Score 4, Insightful) 252

It wasn't even trespass really. From what I read he had permission to access the servers, just not in the manner in which he did (automated crawler). This is more like being invited inside the house, but then stepping on the carpet before taking your shoes off (inconsiderate, but not intentionally malicious), apologizing and stepping back but having your host call the police on you and trying to file charges for damages against you anyway, then the overzealous police chasing you down even though your host has admitted they over reacted and no longer wish to pursue the matter.

Comment Re:IOW, we're making it harder get a response... (Score 1) 337

Right, because responding with 'No, sorry, but this one is nonsense' is SO time consuming. How on earth can the heads of office be expected to spend tens of seconds a day responding to the less important issues on their mere $200,000 a year salaries?! Obviously it was a clear case of either increase the threshold or increase their salaries to compensate. We all know how The People would cry foul if the poor deprived politicians tried to seek fair compensation for their seconds of hard work per day in the current economic climate.

Comment Re:The end (Score 1) 249

A friend of mine also found a vuln and was able to easily break in to his Samsung tv at home from his office and turn on the camera in his new 'smart tv' (not sure if it's the same vuln or not though as the article doesn't give specifics). He reported it to Samsung over 6 months ago, repeatedly, and nothing was ever done or even acknowledged. He tried calling their various national and international offices, sent emails, spoke to local reps.. nothing. Maybe now they'll be forced to actually do something about these problems. Or, maybe people will stop buying them if enough awareness is raised.

Comment Re:It's a very sad thing to admit, but (Score 2) 260

I believed this jazz and bought an AMD/ATI laptop after being bitten by nVidia's optimus comment (my nvidia laptop got stolen). Now I miss my nvidia laptop. The Radeon driver is really lacking, has a very high battery consumption, doesn't work well with many applications. The fglrx (proprietary) driver won't work with several Xorg version without that considered a major bug by the dev team.

This has been my experience as well. AMD's linux driver is very woeful at the moment and they have shown VERY little sign of even caring. Just check the number of issues reported at cchtml.com, which AMD have been shown to read and even respond to, but are still unfixed and not even slated to be fixed any time soon. I hear the open source driver is making leaps and bounds but it's still not as polished as Intel's.

The alternative is to use bumblebee on nvidia proprietary driver, which drains battery but allows to enjoy a decent graphical acceleration.

I use this currently, and it actually works pretty well. Muxless gpu switching is a godsend over the old approach. Also, 'bumblebee' only uses more battery than vanilla Intel when you /choose/ to run a 3d app on the nvidia discrete gpu. If your app doesn't require the grunt, just launch it normally instead of via 'optirun' and battery life remains the same as any other Intel gpu. But the option for more power is there should you ever want it. I really like this setup. For someone who might have actual need of a high performance GPU (ie with steam coming soon) this is the setup I would recommend.

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